How's possible that people who lives in paradise, aka scandinavia, can have so many mentally ill citizens?

How's possible that people who lives in paradise, aka scandinavia, can have so many mentally ill citizens?

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they can afford it

white women are mentally ill

we (norn yuurobs) were born into a paradise in flames and get to watch it all burn down to ground

You literally get paid for doing nothing.

why do you think that scandinavia is paradise? neck yourself

>includes social spending plus indirect costs linked to lower employment and lost productivity

>we are literally giving 4%+ of our GDP for retards, le heckin depressed redditors and BPD roasties
Aktion T4 is needed

>lost productivity

what a fucking sham world we live in, any time spent not working at a job is "lost", fucking hell, no wonder people are so mentally ill

That's no way to live, I don't understand the mindset where just existing is a privilege

I'm mentally ill but it costs nothing because it's untreated haha

based me too

Think of it like this:
If you're a loser, but your entire family is also losers, it's not so bad since you're all at equal ground and kid around with it together.
Now think about being a loser in a very successful family, the incel to your chad brother and stacy sister. You would be much more miserable since you'd be constantly reminded about and you'd know your entire family looks down on you.
That's sort of what it's like for losers in the nordics, the average persons success is so high that any losers stand out and are looked down on 10x more than in most countries.

They get invited to friends' houses as guests then they have to stay in a room by themselves while the friends have lunch.

Time spent fucking off at a therapist because its free and you get time off is lost productivity compared to a normal worker, yes. Stop creating dystopian worlds in your head. No one is gonna fault you for wanting to take the weekend off.

How is Scandinavia paradise when it is frozen?

When you don't suffer you start making up issues.

because op is a moron who has never left his country

Just admit you cannot suffer in Finland. Its government policy to disallow you from suffering.

it's government policy to enforce suffering

you get paid more to do anything else, theres lot of comfy jobs that pays normal salary. Why would you be neet

not a paradise, not a hellhole, just bland

Germany moment

Free healthcare, education, housing, no responsibility, you're not going to fail at everything, etc.

Living in scandinavia is having a perfect life, for these weak soyboys like this retard having a simple conversation it's a problem, they believe going out or lacking sunlight is enough to commit suicide. They are nothing but spoiled kids, pic related is your average finnish poster in this board.

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Ah yes the famously mentally well Lithuanians
It's because in Norway we are honest and progressive, in Pooland people think schizophrenia is a result of a demon possessing you or some other primitive grug shit

what the hell is that true finland

you have never been here, you don't know anything, stop talking

They live in tutorial mode yet they choose to live like neets.

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Your life is easy.
You chose to be a failure in life.
You are rejected and mentally ill because you're weak.

Stop pretending that anything bad ever happens to you.

why do you think that one mentallly ill guy is a good representation of finns?

Most people the average age on Any Forums don't need healthcare. Free education is good but in the end just leads to more competition for everything, wages after 5 years of university aren't great.

There's nothing a welfare state can offer a relatively normal young person, it mostly goes to boomers and the unemployed.

Jesus Christ, look at the dust. Social workers should be ripped men who go to NEET's houses and make them lick the floor clean and beat them every day until they gain employment.


Attached: share-of-population-with-schizophrenia.png (3400x2400, 810.37K)

What about dental care? Is that included?

You got it backwards. The more you spend on healthcare, the more healthy you are

Ummmm Aussie bros?

No, but it has a cost ceiling and then the state covers the rest

was about to write a long story but fuck it he nailed it better than me.
its like this, east euro fags go to the doctor feeling down, doctor tell them to man up, this is life, your parents and grandparents endured it.
do the same here and you get 3 different diagnosises, pills and a rope. find your own cure.
i had 5 or 6 maybe more different childhood friends choose the rope and i dont really want to count further than that it leads to a dark place...