What's the consensus lads?

What's the consensus lads?

Attached: MarsNeedsMoms_OneSheet1.jpg (1944x2880, 1.91M)

Martian thigh gap is underrated.


Attached: M - Mars Needs Moms - Ki Body 35.png (362x708, 766.26K)

Oh my
Think of the ease they'd have with childbirth
They could probably carry octuplets to full term with ease
Why didn't they just pick up some BHC to turn their women into broodmares?

The queen!

Attached: Mars Needs Moms Ki Queen.jpg (3892x2639, 1.08M)

Attached: Mars Needs Moms Looking Up.png (906x800, 1020.6K)


and kissable!

Attached: Mars Needs Moms What About The Crazy Love Thing.webm (614x694, 3M)

But she was built for 69

Severely underrated movie.

hmh not bad movie but not really good either. i don't know man. it just is

Mars needs moms

The horrifying abomination that is the fat guy puts me off from even watching this once.


Attached: Mars Needs Moms Do It For Her.png (1400x1000, 1.13M)

do what?


Mar sneeds home

If memory serves, I think they (Mars) did, in fact, need moms.

move to mars and marry her!

Attached: Mars Needs Moms Blade Runner 2 Hologram.png (2397x1483, 3.51M)

his character was pretty decent though

Attached: Mars Needs Moms Ki Flirting.webm (800x496, 2.99M)

its heavily implied that he fucks the alien girl at the end also so very based

Attached: Mars Needs Moms Happy Ending.webm (800x514, 3M)