Homeowners don't need to pay at least €600 a month to exist...

Homeowners don't need to pay at least €600 a month to exist. They really get to live somewhere for free for the rest of their lives. They just need to pay for food, insurance, services and everything else they earn goes straight to their savings.

Does this happen in your cunt? It doesn't here, at least not for my generation.

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Property taxes my dude guy. Thank your local landlord

>Property taxes
No such thing.

>Homeowners don't need to pay at least €600 a month to exist.
My mortgage is 800€ on top of that everyone in my apartment unit has to pay 300€ of fees that include water, heating and other maintaince fees. Rentoids dont suffer, they should be happy somebody let them to live in their homes.

>mortgage 700
>shared expences 200 (condoe building and cant blame anyone i suggested the last raise myself)
>tax 100
and i could demand 1500+ if i rented it out, still dont know why i dont

Yes i would atleast ask +1k€ in rent to let some idiot to live here, rentoids destroy everything.

in 10-15 years i will have owned a 92m2 apartment and a house
i literally cant imagine being a rentoid past 30

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And the government wont let you rent a cheap place. Fucking poorfags can get a 3 room place cheaper than my one room shit

buy home and stop complaining

i hate rentoids so much you wouldnt believe it
>7 apartments in this house
>only 2 owner actually live here
>me who spend more time at my cabin and dude from chile who spend half the year there
>rentoids are always clueless stupid students
>complain about everything
>never move the lawn
>does jack shit of maintendance or anything
>shit happends they call their landlord who again call me
>yeah im some kind of janitor for this building....
rent laws are too laxxed they should include full responsibility of maintendance as well.

I dont have enough money because fuckers won't let me rent a cheap place. Il going back to my parents home when im done with my contract, fuck the rent jews

Honestly i dont know i still live with my parents :3

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>never move the lawn
Clueless student here, where should I move the lawn?

Landlords need to be killed.

only if you're a b**mer

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buy a house do the same

you think rentoids dont pay the landlord's expenses, i am pretty sure most landlords make the rentoids pay off their mortgages too.

Maintenance is YOUR job because it is YOUR property. Don't fucking like it, sell it. You fucking disgusting rent seeking parasite, it's not up to others to finance and upkeep your investment.

>Property taxes my dude guy.
Do North Americans really? Kek even when you own your own home you still need to pay rent to the government, imagine being this cucked.

i unironically think all land should belong to the state

why should i do maintenance? it's not my house thus not my problem

I have a huge family, all of them own a house/apartment. During communisms my grandpa got an apartment in Bratislava for free, now he could sell it for around 300K€. Eastern Europe might be a shithole but at least we never have to worry about being rentcucks

clean it up janny

i kinda agree, only the maintendance is required in the first place because rentoids are filthy scumbags.
last place i lived i was janitor and had free housing if i did the janitor job of 5 units. the fucking horrors i saw...
>regulary found heroin needles in the bed of my truck
>had to fist fight a guy and knock him out taking some drunk 11 year olds the stereo so we all could sleep at 2 in a weekday
>had to call city and get towed away cars for scrap, dunno why but it was always buicks?
>had to lock myself into others apartments when they suddenly went missing, one guy left his cat for 2 weeks...

Mortgage is "rent" for something you will event own. After that you never need to pay again.

it's a joke a mowing instead of moving, anyways I'd never in my life cut the grass or clear the snow, or do any sort of maintenance unless it was in the rental agreement, or the landlord paid me to, fuck that, that's why one pays rent, literally not my problem