How comes when the entire streaming industry has taken a nosedive in quality, Apple is releasing kino after kino...

How comes when the entire streaming industry has taken a nosedive in quality, Apple is releasing kino after kino? Did Tim Cock bought out all the good filmmakers? I'm seriously confused.

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apple is based, naysayers are brainlets

just watched new For All Mankind and almost cried

Apple has control over the entire stack. From hardware to software to prestige to connections to media status. Turns out it really matters. Content creation is very dependent on processes, which Apple excels at.

For All Mankind is basically cringekino now with the Danny's and Karen's relationship, lol.

>Did Tim Cock bought out all the good filmmakers

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That's cool. I'm just going to keep pirating everything and never paying for any media I can't own a physical copy of, though.

Watched this the other day, quite kino. What other apple kinos should I watch?

Notice something?

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For All Mankind and Servant are big on kinosity. Wolfwakers are also great.

Now, that's racist!

0 bergs 0 steins 0 golds 0 silvers 0 katz???

Apple is still inching out as a fledgling streaming platform, and only recently had started to get praise for their programming where before it was hit or miss (especially with shit like Foundation).

When people think of your service of being so small that there isn't anything worth jumping into it for, only for it to start having breakout hits, those hits elevate the platform and interest as a whole. After all do you really think most people gave a shit about Netflix original programming before Stranger Things came out? Hardly if at all.

Every streaming platform is looking for their own Stranger Things. That's what help their subscriber base grow. It's safe to say that Apple might have found that.

Also watching this thread in case it becomes a Severance discussion thread. I keep missing them.

one reely anoying flaw... why tf in the last episode they wasted time with the fag romance;
And it doesn't even look good for the faggot... like, every other character is doing something important that will in some way contribute to their goal except for the fag...
I wonder if faggots watching this were rooting for the fag to meet the other faggot while regular people root for the other character to accomplish something...

A lot of people seem divided on this, I didn't think it was too bad but at the same time I didn't think it was necessary at all. Maybe they just wanted Irving's reason to rebel to have a deeper meaning of impact since he and Dylan were the only ones without much motivation to break their morals against their jobs.

I feel if they really wanted to go the gay lover route they should have just expanded the friendship enough to evolve it into so in the next season as my biggest complaint was it came in too fast and heavy. There's nothing wrong with finding deep friendship with someone who you can find shared appreciation for things for after all. Rushing it into a gay thing just felt out of place.

Or maybe they just wanted to get the most out of Walken since he will probably not be a prominent character in the next season. All I want to know is whether or not the possibility of Irving being reset in the past is possible given his paintings.

Its just an interesting story beat because their outies probably really, really like women
Like imagine a season 2 development where they fuck in a broom closet ant Irv's outie suddenly wonders how he got AIDS

Who would have thought, white people are good at stuff? Bonkers.

>Apple is releasing kino after kino?
Enlighten me please.

It wasn't because it was rushed. It was because it was stupid. Oh, gays are gay even when you blot their memories, or whatever? Who cares? What's that got to do with anything? Why's he painting that doorway over and over? That's at least more interesting, him apparently being unconsciously aware of what's going on on some level. But then also the main character doesn't even notice he's interacting with his dead wife. So to this guy, the doorway's more important than the dead wife that ruined his mind completely is to the MC. But apparently finding his gay friend is even more important. It was just there just to fill screentime with some irrelevant asspull.

Severance and for all mankind

THIS; The worst part is that it's just wasting time, in a moment where every other character is doing something important.

>apple is based, naysayers are brainlets

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is Severance a worth watch?

I'm on episode 6 and intrigued, it's interesting