Can literally make your penis explode

>Can literally make your penis explode

Not sure if I should be scared or turned on

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it thought the fag did that or are the all dick exploding super hero equivalent of std?

christopher moltisanti lookin like THAT now???


Why didn’t she just kill homelander ?

He is the toughest supe, it won't work on him

how does she know for sure tho?

when she tried to kill her friend his head didn't even explode instantly, imagine that on homelander

he asked her to try

didn't she have problems killing her supe friend with tougher skin? she needed time to charge and cast it. homeland could have just lasered her faster

does it have a range limit? what if she flew to the other side of the planet and concentrated really hard on blowing up homelanders head. it would take him several minutes at least to reach her which should be more than enough time

always thought she needed line of sight to any organic flesh and can do it through glass at least

she's so hot..
god I love brown girls

power probably goes down at an exponential rate depending on distance

Homelander himself encouraged her to try in the last episode, he is clearly not seeing her as a threat

I think Homelander in the show is supposed to be invincible, head exploding power will give him a headache at worst, that's why they introduced Soldier Boy in this season, he is gonna disable Homelander's powers and make him regular human

She's so fucking hot

i unironically think she's pretty hot..
would inject hot sperm in her

Attached: 1.png (1117x1182, 1.37M)

brehs.. i want to give her eskimo kisses..

I too get turned on by women with big nose, cute faces and dark hair (jews)

She looks great in motion, even giant nose looks good on her

Her superpower is her gigantic dumptruck ass.

It's the eyes

Why do I love big, sensual, wet and dark eyes so much, bros?