Why did he do it? Also Man On Wire movie thread I guess

Why did he do it? Also Man On Wire movie thread I guess

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Attention whoring.

faustian spirit

Robert Zemeckis had prior knowledge of 9/11

Probably because it releases certain neurotransmitters

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Mentall illness

wallenda family

he did it for the vine

the nookie

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Because its there
Its like the we will go to the moon speech

Couldn’t a gust of wind easily blow him off?

oh my

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God wouldn't allow that

Let's just say the clouds were smiling upon him that day

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>Why did he do it

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I don't get this, can't you just deliver that huge stick to the other side with an helicopter or something?

Maybe stupid question, but what is the pole for?

why does anyone do anything?
because it is there

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Hey they pay the money if u got the skills my man

I don't know, but I bet you would

he's too scared to do it free hand
there was one guy from South America who did like 30 freehand wire walks so it can be done
he only fell twice

I think it's a way to perceive and maintain balance and can let you adjust your balance in ways you couldn't without one