What is your favorite Love, Death and Reddit episode?

What is your favorite Love, Death and Reddit episode?
I liked Beyond the Aquila Rift the most.

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My brother showed me the secret war, all i can remember. Pretty good t b h

Zima blue has yet to meet it's match

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Most interesting art style and had the most meaningful message to me.

An immortal robot who has seen it all unmakes himself and returns to his humble roots of just cleaning a pool. The mystery of what zima blue even meant at the start of the episode was also very captivating.

In short, it was beautiful to me

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haven’t seen a valid reason why people hated the tall grass

it was sweet but not really that crazy

I think ranking them sort of misses the point.

Nothing happened.
Also, I already saw the movie.

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desu I should've probably put it in the mediocre tier and not bad tier but mediocre was getting long so i had to bump a few of them up or down

Different strokes for different folks for sure. Jibaro was really boring to me but everyone else seems to love it.

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What point? It's understandable people have their favorites and the ones they don't like.
It's a subjective ranking, not an objective one.

For me, it was the audiovisual design in Jibaro. While the story was barebones it was still engaging to see what happens next.
Also, the chick's movements were mesmerizing.

>faggot loves it
what a shock
the best one is by far the old man and the rats

based boomer

I don't think there's any LDaR episode that would deserve the "Bad" tier. Except for Alternate History maybe.
And, yeah, Zima Blue is absolute kino

So you believe a robot can be a black man? I really wonder if you are that consistent with your view on trans people. If you can hate a black man presenting robot then you should be able to call a trans woman a woman.

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Jibaro was disorientating as fuck…holy shit

And that's a good thing.

Not that anyone cares but I put some more thought into my tier list and updated it.

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>Zima Blue
hahaha retard
