Well well well it seems that nuclear Hans is back in the saddle

Well well well it seems that nuclear Hans is back in the saddle

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Getting rid of their nuclear power was always fucking retarded.

This, if they actually bring it back I can’t banter them anymore

>from 10% to 12%

Getting ride of them before coal was retarded but at some point they have to replaced either by renewables or more modern nuclear power plants.

>Atomkraft? Ja, bitte.

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If you don't support nuclear and research how can you fucking have more modern power plants? I fucking hate the no nuclear shit, i regret voting no in our nuclear referendum

>i regret voting no in our nuclear referendum
you can bet, retard

Ora devo capire chi cazzo votare che non sia contro il nucleare, partiti green del cazzo

green bros... not like this...

Just wait 20 years and let Poland reclaim this then Arabic shithole, we don’t have the demographics to even keep them up.

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Non avremo mai il nucleare a fissione, i gretink organizzeranno un referendum e i boccali i gli andranno dietro, 85% di preferenze contro il nucleare assicurato

We were right yet again, apologize.

Spero che con i nuovi tipi di reattori i greenies del cazzo si diano una calmata

Then make it claim, autistic boomer.

Aren't most of them from Europe?

Half of your nuclear power plants are currently out of comission. The only reason we still have to use our gas power plants is to export electricty to france so you don't have a blackout.

Sono troppo ritardati e prendono i fondi da Gazprom, non avremo neanche quelli a fusione perché la gente è ritardata comunque

you need to go back

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They always are in stats like this.

Che schifo di futuro

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Everyone in Europe is below replacement level and doesn’t have children anymore, whereas Arabs and all other muzzies are way above replacement rate, Syrians leading with 9 children on average.

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Io me ne vado prima che ci buttino fuori dall'UE, non voglio lavorare qui e contribuire alle pensioni dei vecchi ritardati italiani.

that's fucked

Restiamo uno degli stati ricchi a livello mondiale, prima che buttino fuori noi c'è tutta l'europa dell'est, io resterei comunque qui, non credo che da altre parti vada molto meglio

L'Europa dell'est non è indebitata a sfascio, e non ha meta della popolazione in pensione.
Abbiamo già ipotecato il futuro, è questione di 10 o 20 anni, e non voglio essere qui quando saremo falliti

No, the Germans were entirely justified.
Nuclear power is expensive and dangerous.

LOL that's wessicentral.
Just show me a single ar*b in Saxony-Anhalt.
pro tip: you can't.