Joeflation is here

Joeflation is here
we were right again

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>fails to understand that the economy that is collapsing right now had to be set up by someone prior to current guy for this to happen
I mean, i knew conservatives were stupid but come on guys…

Being incompetent and powerless or unwilling to stop a looming crisis is...le not so bad!

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no one is buying this line anymore DNC intern
demonrats kept printing money even though the chinese flu was not an issue, no matter how much you and your media mouthpieces wanted it to be

it's not a deep state conspiracy if I want it to be true. it's not fake news if I want to believe it. it's not the previous presidents fault if I hate the current president.

who is she!???

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I prefer low prices and racism.

Not my problem

>republicans block bill that will regulate gas prices
>blame democrats

Half the government is actively purposefully making everything as terrible as possible so that they get elected in the next round

fellow TIPSchad?

The dems have made it worse for sure, but it was the trump administration that turned the money printers up to 11. That problem now is that both parties are the party of big government, the only difference is which side of the culture war you’re on, so there’s no way out

Trump literally printed like $10 trillion.. it was the largest stimulus in fucking history and he was more than happy to do cause 'muh 401ks'. biden is the worst president in history but trumpfags also have very short memories.

>regulating gas prices will make things better
Price regulation literally never works

>It was the old governments fault!
Every time, no matter who gets in.

it'll make things worse with artificial shortages, which is a good thing

How are gas prices in Europe or anywhere outside of the USA?

I wish republicans weren't so retarded and let that pass to make things worse

>the only difference is which side of the culture war you’re on
The one that is pro execution of pitbull owners.

$10 trillion wasn't print LOL you fucking dope.

>Most popular president in US history

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He will be ousted for it if he is foolish enough to run again.

it has nothing to do with either party it's because the jews in the federal reserve kept printing money 40% of the money in circulation was printed since the start of last year

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Everyone already says choices made by the administration caused the inflation

>regulating gas prices
>any form of price regulation for things not being produced exclusively by the government
I stop looking for 2 seconds and merica becomes venezuela?
Holy shit even the leaders of my third world shit hole have more sense
What is going on?

>merica becomes venezuela?
no it's more like brazil right now, give it a decade

So let me get this straight. When Trump was president we had
>affordable food
>affordable gas
>reasonable inflation rates
>no war in Europe
But uhhhh I'm supposed to be happy because the president isn't saying mean things on twitter anymore? Okay.

Oh yeah, a Twitter poll is a super accurate indicator of anything.

All democrats do is lie and gaslight lets do civil war so we can kill all of them.

American democrats are all looking at foreign countries for how to run America

Shit in Australia too. Heard its bad in the UK.