What film has the stupidest time travel?

What film has the stupidest time travel?

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Tenet and Interstellar

Back to the Future

How so?

How did a jew go to China and become Bruce Willis (goyim)?

Looper is good
fuck you OP

Basedey potter

Technically speaking Bill and Ted movies. But dumb time travel and I hated the movie, Project Almanac.

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Tenet and its not even close.

anyone has that edit where the poster says pooper?

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Peak pseudo

Nothin personel kid

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prosthetics in OP's pic were fucking garbage
took me completely out of the movie
if only they'd waited a few more years for deepfakes to take over

Ok tell me, trannies love this movie, right?

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Terrible casting, terrible prosthetics, terrible time travel mechanics, terrible plot holes, but I still loved this movie.


why don't they just kill people in the future like normal and throw their bodies in the time machine?
I mean they whack people all the time and they killed his wife, so what do they do with those bodies?

a fresh premise is worth a lot

because you realize that none of that shit matters as long as you manage to make an entertaining movie
congratulations, you're not autistic

Looper time travel is fine.

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>whole series is them fucking with the timeline more and more until it's fixed in the last 15 minutes of the series finale


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