Do urbanites really?

Do urbanites really?

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Good thing it specified that it's human
I wouldn't be able to tell otherwise

Looked up this creature's username to check if it was a joke post or not and holy fuck, lmao. Imagine constantly spamming retarded threads on 4chins, except everyone can see your history and instantly tell how much of a dysfunctional genetic waste you are.

Hope someone unironically doxxes this subhuman and makes it kill itself. In Minecraft, of course.

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the most mentally stable american

At least it has a gf

Do you mind spoonfeeding us a link?

a what ?

In this case, the "a" is meant to signify a lack of, without, so in this case this person claims to have no gender.

it means this person has low self esteem so has decides that it has no gender. all the "non binary" stuff is just autistic people who think that because they can't relate to gender streotypes that means they are a special gender, and also women who hate the way they look.

Why are you browsing mentally illness subreddits?

got it. mental illness

>historical character doesn't adhere to gender stereotypes
>must be a tranny!
this is the most covertly sexist generation in years

yeah, i thought i was nonbinary for 1 day but i realized it was a load of bullshit. i just happen to be gender nonconforming and mentally ill and people really were trying to pressure me into thinking I'm a different gender because of it lmao.

Anyone have the version with this crying jak?

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It’s a development of the “all makir historical figures were really fags” school of historiography

>*record scratch*

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This can't be real it has to be an elaborate troll. Its all bullshit all of it!

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Rural areas are incredibly boring to live in. The only thing I like about them is hiking and physical labour, which I do appreciate, but it isn't enough to make me want to live there.

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