Rewatching Season 1 and its so good. That moment when Kimika breaks A-Train's leg made me really happy...

Rewatching Season 1 and its so good. That moment when Kimika breaks A-Train's leg made me really happy, and it should have gone on to the boys torturing A-Train and then Hughie killing him. This show died when Hughie became a cuck and decided not to kill supes anymore, the whole momentum of the show was tied to his (justifiable) thirst for revenge.

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It peaked when they blew up that invisible dude and hasn't recovered because they don't wanna kill supes


Lately though Hughie has been acting up with his new habit.

Yes, the whole thing should have been guerilla terrorists coming up with smart schemes to find the achilles heel of supes. Shame they didn't go this road, I honestly don't get it.

how does the manga end? i hope homelander gets some gruesome death

In the manga the secret scheme of Vought to stop Homelander is to clone a more crazy Homelander (!!) and then he goes crazy. All the boys become supes and then Butcher goes "oi oi I hate supes so I will kill my friends now". It is very dumb and luckily the show isn't doing it (at least not the clone part).

Season 2 is so bad. Reminds me of those pol parody greentexts.

Hughie staring at his suped up hand smiling while not giving a fuck about Kimiko was the 1st time I’ve given a shit about him in awhile. He better not just say sorry and revert to being a sad cuck I want this guy to get his hands on compound V and get perma powers and fuck A-train up.

he's killed by his clone off-screen
then butcher pop's the clones skull open with a crowbar and smushes his brains in his hand

Well, is your brain getting fucked by stupid? This isn't rhetorical.

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Another thing that is great about season 1 is that it humanizes the supes despite showing them like the monsters they are. The homelander scenes with the blanket etc are absolutely fantastic

not gonna lie that was entertaining as fuck
the show was getting really stale and predictable but with A-train snitching the whole Avenger plot and hughie going schizo I feel that we're getting the fun back

>This show died when

The show really died when Storm-bae died

Why is this show so gay?
literally, it's conspicuous how they avoid female nudity while showing us dicks or dude asses every episode

It's called "The Boys", not "The Ladies"

why is this show so sensitive about showing a titty?

I really wish this show stayed animated

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blackmail this blackmail that. I sleep

would be too expensive and feel too much like invincible

The story has more depth than invincible and Invincible only got greenlit because of the success of The Boys but I see your point

I want more shorts set in the comic universe.

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Hughie's gf being splatted by A train is something I've completely forgotten about he's been so cucked so far. Doesn't feel natural, that moment should be haunting him for the rest of his life

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This episode they literally have supersonics mangled corpse on a roof