Why does anime fail so hard when it’s adapted to live action?

Why does anime fail so hard when it’s adapted to live action?

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Because anime was made for the medium.
Same as why games work as games.

The problem is the writers for these projects having a severe ego problem in thinking their story ideas are better than the source material.

Debicki or Elle should have played Faye

His perm is why it failed.

To be fair, that was Netflix.

Because anime you can show characters flying and fighting no problem but in live action it requires an extensive budget and Netflix won't pay for that unless the show is a major success

Not saying it happened here the writing was fucking awful

>chinky asian guy
i thought spike was based off elliot gould??

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There's one exception

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Time to adapt FLCL and make Haruko a sassy black woman to teach Naoto to check his privilege & cut off his dick.

>its almost as if stylistic forms are specific to their medium
>why doesn't an oil painting taste good on cheesecake?

out of all the amines you could adapt, cowboy bebop would be the best suited because of its "western" flavor
you could have easily made a great noir action series if you didn't let the netflix committee ruin it

Most anime live action adaptations follow one of two paths. Either they do literally live action anime (Japan mostly does this), or they try to "adapt" the story for the western (aka burger) market. The former is not necessarily bad, it's just "different" to what we'd usually expect from a movie, and they rely a lot on Japanese humor. The later almost always sucks because the makers always go "we're doing our own thing, I'm avoiding watching/reading the source material". Cowboy Bebop was a weird attempt to do it "the Japanese way" but it failed spectacularly.

That actress who plays Faye is actually pretty hot i hope we see her in more works from now on

Because they jam pack them full of NIGGERS

For Netflix's credit, at least Bebob is for the most part grounded in reality if not highly stylized.
But imagine if some studio was retarded enough to make a live-action of One Piece, which is literally made for the drawn medium, it didn't work in 3D, it certainly won't for live-action.

Because it’s anime it shouldn’t be adapted to live action it should be left alone

bunch of mexicans were tasked with producing this, are you surprised?

There are a couple. On top of Speed Racer there is also:
Death Note (jap movie duology)
Kenshin (First 3 films are great and arguably more entertaining than the anime, 4 and 5 are meh)
Cromartie High

Having shit writers doesn't help.

I don't think they actually tried... Right? Theres no way.
This was ment to just be a joke.

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When western studios adapt anime series, put out fan fiction tier writing while using the name as a skinsuit. What they should do instead is what old cowboy movies did. Steal the best stories and localize them so that the general public wouldn't know it came from the Japs.

People seem to think that because they are both visual mediums you can swap between the two seamlessly.
It'd be like taking a romantic paining and remaking it with fauvism.

The medium used to tell a story is not incidental, the message and the medium are so intertwined as each determines characteristics of the other. When you switch anime and live action at best you get the same thing but different for some reason. More likely you get a shitty, corrupted version of the original. It's lose-lose.