We are strong together

We are strong together

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poland hate koreans though

Why do you think so?

They talk shit about korea all the time

Not true.

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>They talk shit about korea all the time
Inb4 saying that BOSH makes better kitchen machines than Samsung, is talking shit

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i would die protecting namhan from communist opression

Korean arms factories in Poland... VGH...

Due to US anti-communist policies.

There's some parallel history to be sure

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Fine then name 5 things you like about korea that isn't women or kpop

i love north korea

>their eternal struggle against bigger neighbors (and victory)
>their rapid economic growth
>hates communism

no one here cares about their women or kpop, these are almost unknown in Poland but these things above are enough to worship Korea here

Korea doesn’t combine with us anymore..?

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The idea of a Polish kpop thot emerged in my brain and I quite nearly puked

we have our disco polo, kpop isn't big here, maybe some westernized teenage urban girls listen to it

What is korea known for then in poland?

these three things i mentioned in that post and obviously all their famous brands like Samsung, LG, Hyundai etc

polish people are cool and nice and they have good food.

Yes, like Fish a la Mercury

there was no mercury there, stop spreading fake tabloid news

another thing we like Koreans for is that they understand what it is to be a neighbor of such an arrogant, obnoxious country with a superiority complex like Germany because Japan is similar