Anyone else find it crazy how Spielberg and Kubrick were

Anyone else find it crazy how Spielberg and Kubrick were

>good friends
>both jealous of the others talent
>both felt inadequate filmmakers compared to the other

Kubrick specifically felt he could never do emotional scenes or personal stories as well as Spielberg. Kubrick has worked on a Holocaust movie called the Aryan Papers for years, but abandoned it when Schindlers list came out

Spielberg meanwhile always felt he wasn’t a true artist, like Kubrick.

It makes the AI artificial intelligence movie pretty interesting. Considering Kubrick worked on it for years, died, and Spielberg finished it for him (Kubrick actually asked Spielberg to direct it for him in the 1980’s but it was endlessly delayed and Spielberg was pretty busy that decade).

When AI a finally got to a state where CGI caught up with it. Kubrick died and Spielberg finished it for him and it’s pretty kino

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Nah, it sucks. Spielberg can't make anything good other than Holocaust films.


AI was absolute garbage and Spielberg is a terrible filmmaker. There's little point in posting fluff about his legacy or trying to hoist him up on Kubrick's reputation. He's a hack and his legacy is being yet another hollywood pedo.

jaws and close encounters are amazing

For me, it's Jurassic Park 1. its as perfect as a film can get i think

None of these hold up.

Name one thing wrong with Jurassic Park 1

and no it cant be the kid actors

Imagine simping for kid actors

you are fucking insane

whew at least he doesn't rape big children

The pacing is terrible and completely unravels halfway through the movie. People don't notice this because the t rex roaring at the end is really cool.

Raiders for me. Hell I like all the Indiana Jones films (there are only three btw).

Is this true?

A.I. is Spielberg’s best film

i dont know you tell me

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All his movies revolving around kids are unpleasant to watch because he fucks kids.

Spare the faggot brackets reddit nigger. Temple of doom was the best one.

sorry i don't believe jews

I too dislike AI but I disagree that it is "absolute" garbage. The first 2/3 were kino and a true homage to Kubrick. Spielberg the sentimentalist ruined the ending.
The trick is to figure out when to stop watching.

the pacing is great, idk what youre talking about. By the time you see the waterfall and the helicopter is such a relief the adventure is over. I love it

I heard the ending was Kubrick's idea weirdly enough, not sure how true that is


Yes it is. This documentary has been pulled from every site on existence because it pretty much proves he’s a pedo with facts.