Concern trolling while promoting vilification of an already heavily scrutinised and stigmatised minority

>concern trolling while promoting vilification of an already heavily scrutinised and stigmatised minority
gays are more socially accepted now so trans are the safe minority for conservatives to openly be bigoted towards

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Other urls found in this thread: what is a woman OP?


>What is a Woman?

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>Matt Walsh: “liberals can’t give a non circular definition of woman!”
>Also Mart Walsh: “there is no difference between sex and gender. Woman = female”
>Also Shart Wash: “A woman is a biological adult human female”

Don't care. It's all mentally ill degenerate trash to me

>>Also Mart Walsh: “there is no difference between sex and gender. Woman = female”


Now fuck off

Right, and so his definition of woman is circular.

That wasn’t what he said though, was it? The films own definition it waits an hour and a half to give us circular, kekw. What a retard.

Watch this. It will all make sense.

Reminder Matt Walsh will VEHEMENTLY defend circumcision and if you think it’s genital mutilation, he thinks you’re ridiculous.

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He's defined "female" a million times and says "woman"="female". What are you on about?

Yes, trannies are literally being genocided in to death in the US right this very moment, just look outside, their bodies fill the streets
Anyway a woman denotatively is a female human adult

left wingers are actually just mentally ill retards nothing worth there.

Female: of or denoting the sex that can bear offspring or produce eggs, distinguished biologically by the production of gametes (ova) which can be fertilized by male gametes.
Now you say
>but but but what about intersex people!!!!! what about deformed people!!!

Yes, he’s said woman = female
And the films definition of woman is “ a biological adult human female.” But female = woman.
Therefore, it is a circular definition.
It’s really not hard to understand. Are you retarded?

You can try to do the work Matt failed to do for him, but what’s in the movie is already there and you can’t add anything to it. He gave a circular definition of the word woman. What an idiot LMFAO

more offended by the fact that both his song, singing and piano playing are terrible

I didn't even watch the movie. I just don't pretend that people who use a word are inventing a new definition for it that happens to prove them wrong

>inventing a new definition
He never did that. Please stop talking about things you know nothing about, watch the movie if you want to discuss it or fuck off.

What makes someone a woman is the fact that they are biologically female. You're the retard here.

but a woman is an adult human female. Whats the problem?

Pretty sure the retard is the guy who made a movie about how no one can define woman, and then at the end of which he fails to give a non circular definition of the word woman.
Oh, and you and the people who support him. You’re the real losers here.

a woman is whoever wants to be and live as one, if you want to be pedantic you can separate transwomen and bio women but both are still women

no a circular definition would be if he used the same word ie "a woman is a human woman"


But according to him, woman = female
This is one of his main points.
Therefore, it’s circular.

No, he said it's a human *adult* female. A female child is a female but not a woman. It's not a circular definition.

an attack helicopter is whoever wants to be and live as one

seriously, tell me my definition doesn't work but yours does.

how is it bigotry?!
these freaks worm their way into societal structures and compel others to change accordingly, that's fucking TYRANNY

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What is an adult human female?

>concern trolling while promoting vilification of an-ACK!

When you politicized your mental illness you made yourselves fair game.

A woman is a person who lacks a Y chromosome and has the reproductive organs that allow for menstruation and reproduction. Anyone who doesn't natively know what a woman is, something so basic that both two-year-olds across the world and African tribesmen understand innately without the need for precise or technical discussion, is mentally ill and should be institutionalized for the betterment of our society.

The comment you replied to included the word adult already in its definition. It accurately recreated his definition.
Anything else?

>It’s really not hard to understand. Are you retarded?
well ARE YOU ?


yes a woman is a female
it's not a male so yes woman = female. what don't you understand?

A woman has XX chromosomes, a vagina, and a uterus. This isn't difficult.

No, birth defects do not change this.

> an attack helicopter joke

an actual Neanderthal

Every single tranny on Earth is a worthless piece of shit.

its still true. why isn't it?

>we can be whatever we say we are
"People" like you are going to ruin any good will trans people ever had. Honestly entertaining.

All of that is true

this never defined what a woman is