30 year old +

What are you currently watching, my fellow boomers?

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Stranger things

Just rewatched Payback starring Mel Gibson.

Just finished Severance; not sure what to watch next.

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The Mission Impossible movies

Just watched this. It was a repeat of season 1, it has all the elements of cringe and yet it's surprisingly not-cringe, it's actually pretty comfy and funny.

I reccomend it. If you can make it through a single episode you'll enjoy it by the end.

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I look like what that guy would look like if a professional stylist hadn't spend an hour making him look like that.

Watched Cloverflied, Cruel Intentions and Sliding Doors recently with my zoomie girl friend

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Watched Ran for the first time last night. What a film.

Not sure about tonight. Maybe The Handmaiden

Watched the first season of Fleabag today. Pretty decent, will watch the second one tomorrow.

Then Coronation Street

I don’t watch television or films

I found it comfy as well


Gilmore girls

I was going to say this. I'm at episode six of the first season, I think. Just saw the episode where Ava met the dude that got her the toothpaste, and they went out and got coked up ... and you know what happens next.

Mickie Mouse

Is the entire second season out already?

Midnight Special

>Watched Ran for the first time last night.
I try to turn people on to this film and I tell them its like listening to Dark Side of the Moon for the first time.


Cruel Intentions seems like something zoomers would love.

Watched Empire of Passion last night

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youtube cooking shows
specially ones that make really unhealthy shit ... which seems to be ALL of them

not even into 'food&cooking' in general and am much more interested in maintaining my alcoholism with food shit being a sort of prelude to it, akin to popcorn in a cinema (that rarely lasts into even the final trailer)

and if there are youtube channels dedicated to alcoholism I'll never watch them cause thats just a disastrous concept I want nothing to do with

>Next message.
>Hey Julian, it's Billy, the sound man. Thanks for dropping me off at the hospital. The doctor said you saved my life. I-I'm out of surgery. Things went really well. Should be back in 4-6 weeks so don't let them fire me. This is the best job I ever had. See ya.
It's peak comfy and is still so funny after all these watches.

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Little Nikki

Yea she loved it praising Catherine throughout the movie, which was honestly gross

It turns shitty very fast in the later seasons.


>tfw boomer

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