I'm housesitting for a friend of mine who has an amazing home cinema with 7.1 surround...

I'm housesitting for a friend of mine who has an amazing home cinema with 7.1 surround, which films should I watch with amazing sound design? I was thinking: Master and Commander, Dune (2021), Terminator 2, Uncut Gems.

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Wow such unique taste. Let me guess you are also very vocal about marvel being LE BAD


Apocalypse Now


Good shouts, was thinking of these two as well, especially Apocalypse Now.

why would you ever recomm-
oh, nice bait

Godzilla 2014

I'm gonna watch Mel Gibson's Apocalypto. I don't know if that has good sound design.

Depends on your last rewatch, but LotR would be great on that kind of a sound system too.
Tenet and Interstellar have great sound.
Honestly anything with hans zimmer as a composer.

Indiana Jones And The Temple of Doom

Because I just watched it recently for the first time in years and forgot how much of a ride it is, this shit bro

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>Great sound
If you don't mind using subtitles maybe, otherwise you won't hear the dialogue.

Marvel literally is bad, faggot.
Master & Commander is a big screen movie, go watch that.

The last film I remember being blown away by the sound in theater was The Lighthouse.
What's the point of a comment like this? rare fpwp

who cares lmao, literally no one followed the plot of Tenet

>Godzilla 2014
To clarify, I was impressed by the sound of this movie just on my headphones, and it's rare that I'm noticeably impressed by the sound design.

So happy I saw it in theaters when it came out for how fucking funny it ended up being mainly. We sat a few rows back from front row and jesus christ it was deafening and blinding

Did the full extended cut LOTR rewatch recently and wasn't a big fan of Interstellar but I love the sound design in Tenet even if people seemed to think it was annoying, that wasn't Zimmer by the way. Ludwig Goransson did that one.

I watch everything with subs anyway so this doesn't bother me.

Sure decent soundtrack. Sicario has a better soundtrack though and is probably a better movie. Tenet is good though, especially the opening sequence.

For me it would have to be salo.

The "Sea Wall" track from Bladerunner 2049 in theater was one of the best cinematic experiences I've had.

Mad Max Fury Road
Man of Steel (incredible soundtrack)
Disney's Mulan, Hercules, Aladdin

You don't even have to watch the whole film, but it would be criminal of you not to watch the street shootout scene from "Heat", maybe the best gun sound design scene in history.

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Blade runner 2049 is pretty awesome for the visuals and sound

I agree.
By majority vote, OP has to watch bladerunner 2049.

Aww does other people enjoying things make you angry?

Watched this a couple of months back but you can never rewatch Heat too many times.