How can a single image be so fucking kino? If this doesn't win an Oscar, nothing should

How can a single image be so fucking kino? If this doesn't win an Oscar, nothing should.

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You're like, 2 months too late mate

The only way this can somehow “win an Oscar” is if Rock or Smith commit suicide and they make a movie about their lives

Satan bringing the facts.

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a truly kino confrontation

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jesus christ you redditgfags are still talking about this?

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reddit doesn't understand The Slap™.

It's kind of fucked up how one random incident can define your life. Especially in this instance where Chris Rock literally did nothing wrong. Any moment you could be destroyed for no good reason

>white hands
based beyond mortal limits

>making a joke about a black woman's hair in 2022
it was a ballsy move

How can he slap?

those hands aren’t edited

Reminds me of Capt punching hitler

it's the same fucking hands you retard

Destroyed? Chris is going to make bank on this.

thats how nature is bro. we are very pampered as humans in a society
try being a antelope on the savannah or some shit you dumb bitch

I know, I was just pretending for the joke. Jeeez Louise.

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Chris Rock is coming to my town next Tuesday and I have tickets to the show

the only moderately funny thing to come from this stupid shit

oh good a reddit edit; kill yourself my dude

What song is it?

Why didn't you just pirate it?

smack my bitch up

zidane did it better

Wish there was an iconic photo like this for when Chappelle and his boys stomped that tranny on stage recently.

>Dave Chappelle gets rushed on stage
>Chris eventually grabs the mic
>Was that Will Smith?

I bet someone took a great photo of it.

Still think it was staged


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It's not like he wasn't already rich before this. More people may be buying tickets to his shows, but I don't think he wants the defining moment of his career to be him getting slapped at the Oscars

You badmouth someone's wife on sensitive issues you get slapped.
Simple as.
Fucking spineless millenials I swear to god

Just like Ukraine and Uvalde. Life is a joke.

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You bet his agent absolutely loved it.

Nah uvalde really happen. The buffalo shit though it glows so much.

people have already forgotten about this. you're a retarded kid if you think it will change anything. he wasn't even doing many movies before this.

these the same hands dumbass

maybe you should try reigning in your head-shaving hypochondriac of a wife first

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That form though