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Kimiko will survive because soldier boy's power neutralising power is only temporary, this is also how they can fight homelander without killing him. I don't give a fuck what the comics say the tv show isn't following them.

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real thread theme
>now that you're 16... ME CRAZY


why was black noir drawing a hamster

Just a reminder, to all you faggots praising the show and shitting on the source, pic related are the dipshits you have in your corner.

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Superior song by a still alive supe

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Because he's retarded from brain damage caused by the almond joy coma. And it's not a hamster, it's a beaver, the mascot of a Vaught Chuk-e-Cheese type place

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I'm sad the superhamster will never appear again.

or theyll just inject her with the temp v

why not? did something happen to it after it ate that soldiers eyeball? they even made a point of showing his name which could work for a callback later

It's going up Trump....I mean Homelander's ass

Theory :
The Black Noir we saw last ep. is a Homelander clone (activated when HL gave his big speech) and the black dude with the allergy is still in a coma somewhere

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maybe he permanently took her powers away?

>homelands treats you like shit
Thats because The Boys isn't just about how power corrupts the powerful. It's about how the powerful are also a corrupting influence on powerless nobodies.

>Homie abuses A-Train, makes him beg for his life
>A-Train shows loyalty to Homie to the point of ratting out his friends

>Homie makes an insane egotistical speech on television
>his fanbase is larger than ever

Humans tend towards irrational support for abusive and dominating personalities because that's a survival instinct. Can't be a victim if you're on the side of a victimizer, right? So A-Train and superfans will suck Homelander homeschlanger all day long because they want to share in his strength like Elon Musk fans

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I think this could be interesting but it also ruins the point of deviating from the comics if you're gonna just do what they did anyway. How does present day noir have an allergic reaction then? I feel like they specifically mention the allergy in both time periods to disapprove the clone theory early

Next episode Soldier Boy will superman that ho

It's just terrible shitposting, user.

honestly probably. most likely thing to happen is that homelander dies, it all gets covered up and vought continues like normal

how many eps is this season?


Frenchie/The Girl cute scenes when?

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>How does present day noir have an allergic reaction then
That guy is out of the show & deathly ill, they've only *just* switched him

>you're up with straight white men in the rust belt
>V Heroin metaphor
I'm watching the show jump the shark in slow motion
this shit is so pathetic

Pegging is based, fucking a tranny is cringe. You heard it here first

"Go for the eyes Boo, go for the eyes!"

If the boys is woke leftist playground, why does it feel like there's bearly any diveristy hires? Sure, they keep shoving their lefist propaganda but there's practically no blacks, and the ones casted(MM) are pretty good actors.

>We have the best taco bowls

Got the scene? I missed it

mm is a good actor but his writing sucks


Starlight bros

I'm enjoying season 3 much more than 2 honestly. Things are actually happening, 2 was mostly a waste of time + cringe. Stormfront did more harm than good frankly.

Annie's ex boyfriend is gonna betray them, right? Right?
I'm still watching E04

Frenchie isn't an actual frenchmen, cus the French were clearly considered too white for the show runners.

he looks french to me

When are they going to reveal what the fuck his beef with Soldier Boy is?

he's said that soldier boy killed his family multiple times....

>it's a nothingburger
Lmao the writers are discord trannies?

I mean, this is Amazon that we're talking about here...

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How do you kill a family multiple times?

Will they faithfully adapt pic related?

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what exactly is homelander's goal in life

... I think they went over the deep end a long time ago, desu.

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We don't know, but it's strongly hinted at throughout the episode and it's pretty much confirmed that he's one of Edgar's mooks. We'll see what he's up to.


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So what the fuck happened to Soldier Boy? Did they somehow infuse him with whatever weapon they used to disable him?


Holy shit. I know that's real.

He turned into the winter soldier

When did he say that? He only kept saying that his dad's heart gave out when he overworked himself when trying to take Vought to court.