What was the exact moment you knew you wern't with it anymroe?

What was the exact moment you knew you wern't with it anymroe?

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When did you, OP?

Your post just now

I miss Phil Hartman

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When at work I went out drinking with a bunch of 25 year olds, while I was 34.

When twitter became a big thing.

/qa/ becoming the epicenter for memes on here probably



The nanosecond the first iphone was released

I miss /qa/

When my coworker asked me if I was PUMPED to watch Obi-Wan and see Darth Vader fight him again

Around 23. Now almost 30.

I spend my life on this website but I never got the /qa/ autism, it's so alien to me. Did they really gather into discords?

>Ewan McGregor is called Obi-Wan Kenobi on this board.
The Trainspotting protagonist for me

>Adam Driver is known on Any Forums for Star Wars (or some Marvel movie)
I remember him as Francisco Garupe in "Silence" or Jacques le Gris in "The Last Duel"

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I miss all these cancerous wojack posters being mostly contained to 1 board

Tiktok videos

I've never been "with it".

I don't think I was ever with it. I was to the side of it for a while and now I'm behind it.

snapchat popularity. cringy tiktok humor.

When I first listened to Stefan Molymeme and then tried to go back to watching the young turks. Cringe but true.

wow dude i can tell you know sooooo much about movies and what good cinema is. what's your favorite movie, drive? or maybe something more artsy like the lighthouse?

Back /qa/

when i was sacked for racism

I saw a bunch of zoomer mockery threads on Any Forums that said "bussin" and I had no fucking clue what that meant. I am 20yo

>Did they really gather into discords?
Yes. It was funny to see them mock trannies/faggots but they were the other side of the horseshoe

I have always been way too autistic and never with it in the first place.

I dont want to be with it

when squid game blew up
and reminded again when stranger things had the kate bush scene

They don't mean anything to me, but the soundtrack of Drive was pretty good and memed all the time (on imageboards with actual WEMBS with sound). Why are you so assdevastated about my comment? I tried to explain when I realized I'm completely out of touch.

when Despacito became unbelievably popular. It's incredibly boring, either I am a boomer or that thing was viewbotted/astroturfed to hell and back

For me it was when someone on Any Forums(nel) told me to get a job and have sex as if that were some kind of mark of validation that we regularly aspire to around here.

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I don't get watching live streams of anything, zero appeal. In general I despise the "all is a video" format of the current internet. Main appeal of this shithole is that is mainly text based.

Yeah i dont understand watching streamers either, people unironically would rather watch someone play a game instead of playing it themselves