Who would you have casted instead?

Who would you have casted instead?

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Ellen Page

I have bad news user

Literally anyone over this jew looking chick

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deep fake Ellen Page footage from Juno

What kind of gay ass dumb ass name is "ellie bella ramsey" that sounds so fucking made up. Sounds even more made up than trannies who change their names to like Fliorencia Mathilda Starfire O'Lovely or whatever

*Elliot Page

the verb is cast, not casted ESL zoomer

oh fuck off, i got a boner for soft-dykes too 'specially since like 95% of them get dick on the down-low which is why gold star lesbos are a thing

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She kinda looks like Pete Davidson

We're actually talking about the caste system right now

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is this Gadon

literally anyone else

what are you even trying to say here

i thought that dude killed himself after Sidekicks

Here's your Joel bros...

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If she can act I don't care if she looks the same. But I don't have high hopes for the show regardless.

Cursed post

Literally Ellie.

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bear island girl is cute enough. don't really care. it's not all about looks. at least she had some presence in GoT. I shall judge after I see the show.

The main appeal of Last of Us was Elie being cute though so no one will watch it same way no one played TLOU2

Elliot Page

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Yeah, looks fine to me honestly.


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i would have cast the unknown cunny that would have 'performed' best in my 1 on 1 'auditions'

No one because I wouldn't have made a dumb decision like this to turn a movie into a movie.


Foy would've been perfect but she's far too old now. Maybe McKenna with dyed hair then

This is just like the spiderman game, these devs are so greedy

I think Joel needs a beard though

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He looks better than the Joel in the remake they announced yesterday.

would have been gigakino

That'll be $70 plus tip.

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nah, we need a monkey

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more like literally Frida

It's not a graphics upgrade, they just changed the faces completely

nigga bimbom da doo da a bix nude muhfugga

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>gold star lesbos

Bottom actually looks cuter

The main appeal was being a playable hbo show. But converting it into one kind of loses the whole point. The plot isn't really that good but it was okay for videogame standards.

She looks like Eslie Fisher here.

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thanks for the translation black santa

Bottom has such a dull lifeless expression.

Brazil....I kneel

The past tense of cast is also cast

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Im ok with casting an ugly actress since she kisses a black guy in the plot and is lesbian

That's just the wrong face. British females are not cute due to their potato faces from centuries of inbreeding and rape. What were they thinking?

Why do you need a tv series for a game that's already mostly a cinematic?

His mustache looks ridiculous


>since she kisses a black guy in the plot
When your cuckold brain disease is so severe you start hallucinating

"Gold Star Lesbian" is a term within the lesbian community for a lesbian who has never, ever had sex with a man. They are rare, very very rare.
Source: my lesbo friends, some of whom I have stuck my dick it
Source 2: I grew up in Frisco and live in Seattle
Source 3: ASS but literally

Milla daughter

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none. This shit is lame and the game was already a movie

They did the same thing with Life is Lesbian Porn

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I think she`ll do alright but i would have gone with Dafne Keen (I guess kids can`t take two acting jobs at once though)