If you could bring only one tradition from your country's past, what would it be?

If you could bring only one tradition from your country's past, what would it be?

Attached: kema.png (1800x1800, 1.18M)

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The duel, when you disagree with somebody you draw your sword and settle the thing, everything would be better

Fucking and conquering non white woman to get away from our ugly ass woamn

Sex with little girls

Dressing like animals

No tlatoani ever wore that eagle helmet. I doubt it even existed at all.

Here's how they depicted themselves.

The whole "feather" thing is an stereotype created by the colony. Actual common mesoamericans didnt use feathers.

Attached: images (8).jpg (741x414, 47.12K)

Buck breaking

It's still legal

We should bring back the Drang nach Osten (eastwards migration). It'd be especially easy through the EU's freedom of work and movement, and it would do something against the rising housing prices at home

move to canada ya dummy
colonizing coloured coochie is literally the white man's pastime here

I don't believe you, draw your sword faggot

>the 1400s were NOT like this
>tlatoanis NEVER wore that eagle helmet


We should revive Native American languages and force everyone to learn them. Imagine the sovl...

there's no a single codex showing tlatoanis wearing those things

Yet we have hundreds of actual picture of how tlatoani depicted themselves

The whole stereotype about massive penachos and feather indios is literally a hollywood-esque invention

Even what is called "moctezuma penacho" is actually a decoration for a Quetzalcoatl statue

Attached: cuauhtemoctzin.jpg (515x600, 69.98K)

this should be implemented globally

Don't push it, or I'll give you a war you won't believe

Attached: pepe-sword.gif (498x498, 2.29M)

I think that's an eagle warrior

When was this legal in USA?

it's an eagle warrior you faggot

Hahahahah op btfo

same fag