How do you rate Matthew mccona…whatever’s films?

How do you rate Matthew mccona…whatever’s films?

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>Dazed and Confused
>Killer Joe
Don't know that I've seen any of his movies other than those.

>he's never heard of anger smiling

>I like shooting MY guns

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Still your president.

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Too bad we can't make hish4spm emperor.

Mud's good. Nothing special, but good if you feel like watching a movie.

Can’t spell Mcconaughey, chud?

Still wrong, bucko.

Honestly I just didn’t spell it because it’s too much work but called me chud so I’m just going to say fuck niggers and fuck trannies.

Acting is an unclean profession. This is the equivalent of inviting a prostitute giving a speech from the White House.

The first half hour of Interstellar was great, but that was more down to Foyfu.

Dazed And Confused is a wonderful celebration of throwing your life away.
Probably helped many many many kids along in becoming drug addicts. Many probably OD'd.
I won't forget it McConaughey and Linklater.

>How do you rate Matthew mccona…whatever’s films?
alright, alright and alright

Unironically you’re far more likely to be shot/attacked by a nigger than anyone else. The country won’t ever be able to move on until this is understood and actually dealt with.

Matthew Mahogany

Matthew Mahogany

Attached: matthew mahogany.jpg (1012x1075, 99.71K)

Mud is good

It's understood, but the NPCs are so weak and passive, they'll let a bear eat them if Jimmy Fallon does it first while singing the latest pop hit and saying "this is what good people do."

No joke, it's the single strongest correlation/predictor of violent crime. It's stronger than poverty level itself. The crime wave that hit cities in America from the 50's-70's was because of the great northern migration.

is funny,this orange baboon becoming president made everyone in hollywood believe they could be president too

>just here for your guns, marty

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Sweet. Just tried it then cut and paste into google and got it first shot.

Noticing things is racist, user.

Nobody cares dude. This ain’t a fucking spelling bee.nGuy can go fuck himself

Yeah, that was a faggot move but I assume he's grandstanding in preparation to move into politics. Regardless this thread just made me want to see if I could get his dumb last name without needing spellcheck.

I love Mud.