B-Movies appreciation thread

What's your favorite?

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dead alive

Why though?

Why not?

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes

What are the rules for hat counts as a B-Movie? Is there a budget I should be looking at(and if so how much for each decade) or is it something else

This one

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Meet the feebles.

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>oh look boss, a left wing journalist

please watch screamers

The original or can I just wait for the inevitable remake?

Return of the Living Dead

nooooo no remake pls
the original with peter weller and the guy from 90s nikita

Best tits in b movie ever.

Are you guys already shilling for the upcoming movie and game? Wait for a trailer

did somebody said BEE movie ?

i'm actually sorry for this post, just wanted to check if i was still banned

Wait, what? They're making a new Killer Klowns movie and a video game? Why?

Brand recognition

Nobody outside of some weirdo superfans of the original film gives enough of a shit though.

It's the only explanation I can offer, it confused the hell out of me too