Alienating, boring trash. A perfume commercial on steroids

Alienating, boring trash. A perfume commercial on steroids.

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It did feel like a car commercial to me.

>Denis Villeneuve
what did you expect? You get what you always get. Long movie because long movies make people think its good. Effort justification, meaning you make yourself think its good because you put time in it. One hour story, and two hours are filled with staring into nothing, walking and traveling.

An ugly, drab mess of half a movie. Villeneuve is nothing without Roger Deakins

Boring, slow, drab, colorless, dusty, ugly. Yep its dune.


good summary.

I'm almost certain that washed out colours make normies instinctively regard a movie as more serious. it's the only explanation for the style becoming so ubiquitous.

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I liked it. I had time to breathe and enjoy the characters. I thought only zoomers had adhd ? There's nothing wrong with a long ass movie.

I think it was pretty entertaining.
But then again, I'm not trying to make a controversial post for attention

Better in every way

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the characters are so generic it hurts. The book can't be that bad. The setting is great, the story sounds good, but holy shit was anyone supposed to feel anything at all seeing a faction get annihilated that we knew nothing about? Like the Red Wedding where we don't know about the Starks or Lannisters.

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Name a single vehicle used in the film

Has Villeneuve created the first anti-spectacle epic? A film on an epic scale with NOTHING worth looking at?

I enjoyed it as a fan of the book. Better than that Lynch trainwreck and had more of a budget than the miniseries. Not bad on the whole, that fact that Any Forums seethes so much over it is icing on the cake.


>The book can't be that bad.

it's early YA ficion where Paul is a Marty Stu who gets to be emperor of the universe at 18 and have two women lusting after his boypenis. in the second book there is even a plot point where his actions lead to the off-screen deaths of tens of billions but the main emphasis is that we should feel sorry for him because it makes him feel sad. it's one of those books whose fans reveal their lack of critical thinking ability.


Pathetic samefag

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that gay little dragonfly vehicle they stole outright from Jodorowsky that the filmmakers pointlessly tried to build tension with as they tried to start it 3 times like a knackered old morris marina.

Okay, where can I go and get one of those, then, user?

>Villlenueve continues to filter Any Forums