Does Any Forums like religious movies?

Does Any Forums like religious movies?

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Somebody didn't read Kierkegaard.

Prove (judeo-christian) god exists

I do, despite being an atheist.

He's right though. Religion is dying everywhere in the world except shithole countries in Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America. The only reason it doesn't get mocked universally is because of 15-year old edgelords who want to embrace fundamental Christianity to own le trannies.

not a movie but i liked Leftovers

You can always tell someone is a cringe Gen X atheist just by looking at them. What utter travesties

Only the European ones, the evangelical crap that comes from America is b movie tier

>god exists
The bible says so. Also, you cannot prove god does not exist. Therefore, it does xd

Self proclaimed atheists who spend so much time focusing on a God they don't even believe exists are so pathetic. What is there to gain by ruining something that gives people hope?

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faith is a good source of cope for any situation where you're irreversibly fucked till otherwise
religion is literally just mental comfort
t. repeatedly fucking up exams and seeing enough coincidences happen in my life made me a better christian

Christ is king

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this dude plays a doctor in a tv show, he's not actually smart or well read. reminds me of that faggot mike rowe who acts like he's some man's man hands-on cattle-wrangling cowboy when he's just a fucking actor who does a dirty job once in a while for an hour worth of film.


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I just farted.

Remember when Any Forums was 99% atheist?
Then leftists started to be very vocal about being atheist, and Any Forums now is christian for the only sake of being contrarian.

Passion of joan of arc
Andrei rublev
Man for all seasons
Flowers of st francis
Tree of life
Passion of the christ

Any more atheist filtering kino?

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>tripfag with some racist Any Forums boomer shit

I don't think Jesus would be very happy with you.

God exists, if that scares you you're probably someone who should be scared.

I’m religious and literally stumbled through life with zero revision and drug use and got straight A’s. Anyone who doesn’t finish university and high school with good grades is retarded

The retards here are so delusional that they think they can reconcile fundamentalist Christian beliefs with hard drives full of hentai and tranny porn.

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I don’t remember Any Forums ever having opinion polls or being a hivemind. I do remember all the CP though. Atheists are cunnybros apparently

>hard drives full of hentai and tranny porn
Do oldfags really? And then they have the nerve to call election tourists bad.

Is it possible for you NOT to project in a single post? Why the fuck would anyone willingly download tranny porn?

Age, Alma Mater, major, Job and current income?

>actor thinks he’s smart because he role plays as a smart person

Damn he's right. We should just shut up and trust the heckin science.

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22, oxford (christ church), law, jobless neet

btw this is me and what i’m assuming you meant to reply to

cultural influence of christianity:
>John Milton
>Thomas Aquinas
>Da Vinci
>William Blake
>El Greco
>Wendell Berry
>T.S. Eliot
>George Herbert
>Thomas Browne
>C. S. Lewis
>Flannery O’Connor
>AW Tozer
>Graham Greene
>Thomas Kempis

cultural influence of atheism:
>Steven Pinker
>Richard Dawkins
>Sam Harris
>Ricky Gervais
>Christopher Hitchens
>Neil deGrasse Tyson
>a bunch of hollywood pedos

Nice roster you got there atheismfags

someone is seething

>no dryden
>no de maistre

>things must be caused
[citation needed]

Yeah could you answer it

>we don't know why the universe is here therefore god did it and we need to be nice to his wife's son or he'll send us to hell

why aren’t things spontaneously popping out of thin air or exploding for no reason then

Kek this fucking brainlet

I did. My income is nothing and I live with my parents

Believing something with no proof is the norm
Even assuming atheist argument imagine if we had to reinvent the wheel every time just because you don't trust someone else, we would not be able to build knowledge at all. Even worse if we had to question our own knowledge to his basic

atheism will forever be more cringe than religion

>[citation needed]
read any Plato dialogue that isn't in a school curriculum, especially Timaeus

>see, you didn't randomly explode that's because god loves you

>why aren’t things spontaneously popping out of thin air
they are though, just not on a scale you perceive them. look up quantum fluctuations. as far as we can tell they fit the definition of "truly random."

still though, that's irrelevant to my point. all of our reasoning about the universe is inductive, even "cause and effect" could potentially be something we assume rather than universal truth. you cannot prove that all of the mater in the universe won't coalesce into a giant dick tomorrow for some reason, you can only say it's extremely unlikely.