I'm going to kill myself tomorrow

I'm going to kill myself tomorrow.

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You going to pump your ass to death?

I'm going to sneed myself right now.

time is an illusion
tomorrow will be today tomorrow so tomorrow never comes there's only today ipso facto you can never kill yourself

You're not going to do shit. If you were serious you would have kept quiet and done it already.

always putting things off until tomorrow, huh?

You and about 10,000 other people

did you finally realize you won't be a woman

Can you send me your stuff I'm poor

In call of duty warzone

oh no please don't do it user, you have so much to live for.
Killing yourself is the pussy way out. Just pull a geographically start a new, do something different, go live homeless or travel to some 3rd world country with green peace. Thats the beauty of life, we can beginning again at anytime if we truly want to.

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schizoids kill themselves quietly and efficiently
borderlines are the dramatic ones that always announce it over and over before one of their half-hearted attempts finally works

I bet at least 10% of people fantasize about suicide daily/weekly/monthly.

you're probably projecting your feelings into others as to feel better

Consider that more than 10% of Americans are on SSRIs

if you have regular thoughts of suicide, even just as a fantasy as a sort of mental escape with no specific plan/intent, you still objectively have some kind of issue that you should work to resolve

>needle in the hayyyyyy
I was watching the NBA playoffs and thought this dude looked like Elliott Smith. Am I crazy?

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Might be. But just thinking you and me are probably lucky 5% when other 95% have to see effort for drinking water.

when ur dead u cant coom, that sucks. why not just become a coomer instead? u can coom all u want and nobody can stop u. plenty of time to die.

Attached: der coomer.jpg (484x689, 56.9K)

Comparison photo. Mostly in the eyes and smile

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>Am I crazy?
Lmao literally yes, you are.