Holy shit doraemon is simply the best way to learn japanese

Holy shit doraemon is simply the best way to learn japanese
fuck djt

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KEK for me it was ygo. There is a thread on /t/ with the OG season. I'm considering getting it again.

In my opinion Tatsumoto's guide to Japanese is the best resource for learning Japanese.

everything affiliated to djt is completely shit, their matrix server is literally filled with pedos

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I don't give a fuck about morality, but that clearly isn't a place to study japanese

The matrix is a place where people discuss learning Japanese. It's not like everything they talk about is related to porn or whatever.

I really don't understand why people so adamantly defend djt here, it's like you guys need it to be good for some reason lmao, especially when the matrix is clearly a bloated platform filled with security leaks and sponsored by the mossad

All security leaks I have seen are 3+ years old and are fixed. And because Matrix is federated, you are not affected by the Mossad jewry if you don't use the official server.
Discord is the only alternative, and it's hundreds times worse for both privacy and security.

I think the better alternative is to study for yourself and don't depend on some strangers on the internet that claim that everything is "free" and "alright"

You're not supposed to go that deep into djt lol. It's just for entry level. I used it for like a month in November 2014 and then moved on to find my own resources. On Any Forums it used to be like this: step 1- djt on Any Forums step 2- weekly Japanese threads on /jp/ step 3- japanese thread on Any Forums. Anyway don't take anything associated with Any Forums too seriously, you'll only hurt yourself.

You should only visit the chat when you have a question you need answered.

the truth is that everything that everyone takes for granted from Any Forums or the internet nowadays got some really shady ties

yea unfortunately they banned the djt on Any Forums a few years ago
/jp/ is the new starting line

You went to the wrong djt. Your fault.

nyoooo dont say fuck djt thats rude!

If you recognize Doraemon you're thirdie. Yes I'm from shithole country

ang ang ang
dotemo daisuki


sorry i’m not a weeb


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