Is this the only movie that depicts how loud guns are?

Is this the only movie that depicts how loud guns are?

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Den of Thieves comes close but this is the only one that comes to mind

It also depicts how she's got a GRRREEAAAT ASS!!

Attached: WrNiWBVXjGbGe9U2UWFx9o.jpg (600x315, 22.75K)

how loud are we talking?

Attached: 1634828901847.jpg (631x840, 103.28K)

I was gonna say Public Enemies, then I remembered it was the same director. Mann loves his pew pews.

Is there any movie that accurately depicts silencers?

Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes, because silencers don't silence shit. They're called suppressors.

Collateral does in the alley scene.

to my knowledge Dunkirk had really loud gunshots, but maybe that was because i watched it in IMAX/Dolby Atmos, and not some normal pleb theatre. The Kabooms were earth shattering too.

You now remember the sound mixing for the big shootout in Miami Vice (2006)

The Dark Knight

Also in Heat that was the real sound. They were going to redo it in post but it was just that loud.

Same guy too...

I love Al but that scene was so over the top kek
mann and al know better

Attached: Heat1995720pBRRipx264-x0r_3.webm (1280x534, 2.67M)

I like the echoes billowing off the surrounding buildings. To me that's more real than just cranking up the volume to make them loud.

I think the original character conception for Vincent was that he used cocaine to cope with being a RHD detective, which would explain both this and the junkyard scene.

Black Hawk Down has a guy go deaf from gunfire


Way of the gun

Was going to say this as well.

The way of the gun is pretty good.

The only reason why heat was extra loud bc they were in the inner city and the just made the sounds more profound

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I saw Heat in 35mm a few years ago and it was easily the loudest fucking film I've heard, the bank heist scene had my heart in my throat with how real it sounded. Only others that come close are Dunkirk and Free Fire