This show is atrocious

This show is atrocious

>Y-your just obsess-

Yeah, imagine being a Hollywood executive thinking: “we need a brown person, too many whites in this a cast.”

Fuck yourself.


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What's frustrating is how this is a series that had no reason to be shitty. It basically writes itself, it's like a Batman vs Superman movie, everything you need is there to write a compelling story, but somehow the creative in charge find a way to completely Butcher the whole thing. This isn't even an Obi Wan show, this is the Reva and Little Leia show featuring Obi Wan.

That's because they have to “humble” the old cast by first having them humiliated and having their poorly written donutseels fix them. It's a tiresome process.


>What's frustrating is how this is a series that had no reason to be shitty.
They actually had a brilliant first draft idea to make the story about trials to regain one's heart and threw it out.


Stop it with the copium.

It’s your fault for watching Disney Star Wars. It’s been pozzed since 2015. Why are you still watching it and getting angry over it? Kill yourself faggot

Kathleen Kennedy said it was too dark, even though that's what stories in this period should be?

Disney isn't brilliant because they threw it out. Read better.

>w-well it could've been good if only they XYZ
There's literally no chance of anything Star Wars ever being brilliant anymore. You're just deluding yourself by thinking that maybe there could some day be good Star Wars content again.

They actually took Obi Wan Kenobi and made him a trojan horse for a miniseries about Reva. Fucking LMAOing at Star Wars fans who have given a single cent to this after Disney bought it.

>You're just deluding yourself by thinking that maybe there could some day be good Star Wars content again
Fans have been making superior content to the official material since the days of the prequels.

>this is the best they could do with 25 million USD per episode

Lucasfilm needs some serious restructuring ASAP

>Y-your just obsess-
>only complaint when making a thread is "there are too many brown people"
Yes, I'd say you proved you're obsessed.

>It basically writes itself, it's like a Batman vs Superman movie
user, I...

Why are you obsessed with casting bad brown actors?

The context writes itself is what he’s saying. Adding anything more is stupid.

>he's still just going on and on about brown actors

you could argue this is the worst shit yet

at least with the sequels, they were under the guise of those being their own story even if they failed. christ even though some of the greenscreen was awkward at least they didn't feel so cheap. Boba Fett was also terrible but that was aside character who was lame in the movies anyway.

This show is called Obiwan and is directly fucking with the original Star Wars

Would help if they had some decent stories instead of the political propaganda they are offering up at the moment.

I wouldn’t know, i’m not a executive producer, nor am I setting the quotas.