I fucked my best friends gf and now she's blackmailing me with this information...

I fucked my best friends gf and now she's blackmailing me with this information, how would you handle this in your country

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I would keep having sex with her.

Blackmailing with what

She is based and you are cringe.

>Romanian loyalty
reliable friends like back then in Stalingrad

I have to go to the mall with her and buy clothes and shit and drink at starcucks

Blackmail her back

just deny it lol
are you retarded?

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Why did you do that?

be happy that you have had sex, gypsy faggot nigger

reddit thread

Romanians are literally Bulgarians who went through a forced latinization because the west fears the Bulgarian Empire, rightfully so, as it utterly annihilated their fourth crusade and exposed them as the weak LARPers that they were

open your eyes sheeple

What happened to bros before hoes

You deserve it

Was the pussy worth it at least?

jajajaja come on man, that aint shit. and you will fuck today too after doing all of that shit

was pretty decent I guess came in 7 minutes

now I get it
>i cheated on my bf for that... I must cope somehow

>and buy
press x to doubt, you steal dont you?

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I would but she told me she's buying them, females are cucks

dump her and tell your friend to do the same

lol just play your cards right and fuck her afterwards she literally asked you on a date

Basically this

did your friend deserve it?

>dating a cheater

youre literally begging to get cucked yourself, and you also betrayed your best friend. Shame on you, you deserve the paintrain thats coming your way

i don't get it, wouldn't that backfire on her? because she cheated too, you didn't rape her.

Just say some bullshit she tricked you and you were drunk or continue to fuck her and blackmail her back if she dosnt give you pussy.

You deserve each other

Romanians really suck it seems