Do Americans rally drink orange juice for breakfast? Aren't they already fat enough?

Do Americans rally drink orange juice for breakfast? Aren't they already fat enough?

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kill yourself ketotard

With the shit we eat, you're concerned about us drinking orange juice?

Yes, it's essentially sugar water. Might as well drink Coca-Cola for breakfast.

I can't drink it straight up, too thick and sugary, I usually do 1/2 water 1/2 orange juice in a cup, much more palatable.

>nooo you cant drink frutose It will make you a lard
Ketofags are retarded

Cranberry juice in my house

Glowing liquid containing synthetic flavours is not quite the panaceia would you acknowledge that sir.

Depends of how the juice is done. A homemade orange juice isnt supposed to be like Coca Cola.

Do Americans really hate diet coke because "it doesn't taste right"? It's literally same shit.

>might as well drink coca cola for breakfast
I do that sometimes.

aspartame and other artifical sweeteners definitely don't taste the same as real sugar.

American fatties like Diet Coke be a they think it counteracts sugar from what they eat

Diet coke is probably the worst diet soft drink. Would rather drink water.

Getting rid of the best parts of the citrus fruit. Pressing it will thoroughly oxidize the best alimentary asset of the product, ie ascorbic acid plus you kill your liver with over proportioned fructosis. Just chew that hecking orange

It's a refreshing pallet cleanser for a big breakfast. You wouldn't want to drink it everyday but there's no harm in a rare Sunday treat. Certainly better than what the Fr*nch are having.

It's not about fat.
It's about taking out of commission one's pancreas.


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What is that? Looks king


See my thread
Looks "king"? Did you mean to type fucking awful?

They're called tacos. Since when do you add fucking french fries to shwarma aka gyro?

I drink coffee, beer, energy drinks, water, sometimes spirits.

Actually, it's orange juice flavored corn syrup without real oranges.