Which movies most accurately portray the depravity of gays?

Most movies and tv shows try to clean up the image of the gay lifestyle to make it palatable to middle class family audiences.

But occasionally something comes along that shows you the truth about how animalistic and perverse gays are. I'm thinking about the opening scene of "Irreversible" (2002). The gay nightclub is like Dante's journey into hell.

Can you think of other examples?

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Star Wars


That Al Pacino movie. It's called like scouting or surfing or something

The Boys with all the tiny man crawling in penis thing and the coke

What makes you think one portrayal is more accurate than another? As a gay I have never been to a nightclub let alone a gay nightclub. I've never used grinder or been to a glory hole or anything like that.

I guess you have much more knowledge on the subject that I do so who am I to argue.

The Gift documentary.

I am bi and have used grindr and got fisted on my first time having sex

>As a gay I have never been to a nightclub let alone a gay nightclub. I've never used grinder or been to a glory hole or anything like that.
youre not gay then, youre just a faggot

My brother's gay, he's a good dude, has a group of hetero business bro buddies, some who have gotten married and started families, like to watch sports, grill, shoot guns, go camping, and occasionally do cocaine and get shitfaced at parties
His bf is a nice southern guy, he's got some more weird artsy friends, but he's still non flamboyant
My bro also gets shit cause he loves to say the word faggot a lot usually directed at straight friends who are acting like pussies
Point is, there's degenerates everywhere, unfortunately ((they)) are giving the weird groomer transfemboy pedo dragkid enthusiast weirdos the spotlight

Statistics say most fags just can't resist being anonymously anally penetrated by dozens of men at a time. Statistics reveals your "lived experience" to be utter horseshit.

>height of the AIDS epidemic
>doctors circulate leaflets begging homos to stop getting TAP'd by strangers in nightclubs and boathouses because they could fucking die
>gays complain that it's an attack on their culture and keep getting willingly raped by packs of people whose names they don't even know even as their friends wilt and die around them

source: just trust me bro

human beings in general are horny, sex crazed animals, it's not exclusive to gays. we're biologically programmed to fuck as much as possible. what you're describing is just confirmation bias

>it's another Any Forums incels have opinions about degeneracy in between fap sessions with loli hentai thread
hmm yes tell me more

Why havent you killed your brother and his anus lover yet?

>whole fucking essay of cope because his brother is a fag

Bad bait.

Pastor Martin Ssempa's sermons from Uganda

That French (Italian?) movie that goes backward and has the really intense rape scene that goes on for like five minutes.

This. Cruising.

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The gay club scene is like 10 minutes

This guy's life.

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Nothing more amusing than the self hating closet cases. They’re so repressed they can’t indulge in their secret desires, so they hate everyone else who does.

>closet cases
Retarded narrative. If they have the urge and are able to resist it and adhere to morals than they are simply better than you. Keep coping, sodomite.

Transgender suicide is quite much more amusing