Any more incel comedians?

Any more incel comedians?

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nick fuentes

this fucker looks at least 46.

lol hes no incel :3

He’s 49 years old

I saw him in person last year walking through town
this was right on the day he did that recent stand up that got criticised by PJW

He strikes me as the kinda guy that has bodies buried in his walls.

holy shit he get bogged???

>criticised by PJW
Who? Are you shilling your own YT channel?

Yeah, I'm PJW

He's not an incel, just a homosexual.

His entire public persona is fabricated. He didn't lose his virginity until he was 26. He created his funny smug jokeman act to get laid and just stuck with the schtick 24/7 because he was too afraid of going back to being a loser again. He probably sleeps in a three piece suit. He also named his son "Rockefeller".


Attached: 2295-jimmy-carr.jpg (240x240, 42.19K)

>woh if God isn' reaw, lads I bet nobodies ever joked about that befoah, I mean 5% of Britons go to church, and the BBC, academia, corporate power are controlled by irreligious progressives but I'm being really rebellious by doing Anti-Christian comedy!
>silly laugh

Ladies and gents: the modern British comedian

t. butthurt christian

>t. jew worshipper

he is a woman incel because no woman wants a 5'6 social pariah spic midget.

he is not a tranny/femboy/faggot/bug chaser incel because he is obsessed with them and enjoys their company and videos

Sounds really admirable. Glad he's made it.

wow, lotta Carr fans in here tonight

He had sexual relations with Kathy Zhu.

I already mentioned trannies

wow he looks terrible for 26