Post Africa kino

Post Africa kino

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Blood Diamond
Casablanca technically takes place in Africa

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Watched this the other night. Douglas/Kilmer were awesome and the tiger attacks were surprisingly well done. Jaws on the savanna. Funny reading about how Ebert hated it though.

The Last King of Scotland (2006) was based for some South Africa kino.

Gods might be crazy


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so bad i couldnt finish it

needs titles under the images, one of them doesn't even have text on the cover at all.



I imagine the point of making this image was to recommend them to other people to watch them.

>Thoughtfully-curated chart of arthouse and indie movies made by Africans and African-Americans
>"Nigger" way up at the top

I really wonder what you people are like in real life sometimes

Being able to use "nigger" in a respectful sense is a sign of an enlightened individual

it's a joke my man

That's so fucking crazy. I love it.
Keep going with this train of thought...

I wish Any Forums wasn't racist

try reddit. might be your speed.

Comedy is often defined by the forbidden. High IQ autists don't respect arbitrary social boundaries.