The only good hellraiser movie

the only good hellraiser movie.

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i've heard the second one is good because they introduce the chatterbox.

none of them are good



The new one with Jamie Clayton is going to be better.

Hellraiser V is alright.

i actually liked Inferno.
The early ones are too trashy today and later ones same but for the writing.

>The early ones are too trashy today

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I liked Deader.

1 is kino
2 is shit but the climax is fun
3 is a meme
after that I don't care

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the effects would make people laugh

Everything in 1 holds up except the labyrinth demon/engineer/whatever the fuck and maybe the stop motion guy at the end. The intro with Frank reanimating still looks great and so do the Cenobites I don't give a fuck.

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>you opened the box
>we CAME
based coomers

Deader would've been fine if it was just about a weird Romanian death cult. Crowbarring Cenobites into it was so obviously forced.

They also made the cult leader one of the box maker's descendants.

I have a soft spot for 3 and I think 4. 3 is the one with the night club and Pinhead is trapped in a statue? and 4 is the one with the Space ending?

theres zero good hellraiser movies

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I thought they sort of wove Hellraiser into it decently. The cult leader has the box, but can't open it, and recruits others to try and do it, and when they fail, he has them commit suicide and then resurrects them as servants (or maybe he did that before he got them to try and open the box, I forget). When the MC finally gets the box open and the Cenobites show up, the cult leader thinks he has dominion over them because of his relation to Lemarchand, but Pinhead is all "you're an idiot" and slaughters him and his lackeys.

That doesn't look very scary

A Hellraiser film set in 1700s Western Europe would have been pure unadulterated kino.

What would you ask from the box?