Julia Stiles is hot

Julia Stiles is hot

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blue eyes not found

I don't know why but I always assumed she was asian

That's a man

>ruins dexter in you’re path

Do.you think she would marry me if I emailed her

season 5 was okay, just a bit underwhelming after that season 4 final, but in no way was it her fault

What's your favorite julia stiles movie?

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I liked her in this but it's probably because my sister forced me to watch it with her when I was like 8
I still don't understand why they made 3 more of these without Julia Stiles, who the fuck was the target audience?

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There's a whole genre of "Prince" romance movies on Hallmark.

10 things i hate about heath ledger

10 things i want to stick up her ass


>June 2, 2001

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its weird, but just how there is 'gay face' Julia styles somehow gives 'fucks black guy face'.

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A guy thing

bump for julia


lumen is my wife ok

S5 was great though. Better than 3.