Why is Seth McFaggot so insufferable?...

Why is Seth McFaggot so insufferable?? I watched a interview with him explaining all his work and he's literally the most pretentious douchebag on earth.

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>Why is Seth McFaggot so insufferable??

>dude i can act sing and direct i am le triple threat
pretty sure he grew up watching johnny carson and also wanted to be a smug egomaniac

I refuse to watch any of his shit once I saw him in interviews.

>It’s too much “Seth”. He thinks he’s better than the cartoons, but he’s not better than the cartoons….
>And another thing: Just say that you’re gay. No straight guy writes that many showtunes.

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I never really thought about it like that but now that I've read your comments he really does come off as a closeted gay man the musicals in all his shit says it all

he just can't stop winning

He wants to be a celebrity but he's just that cartoon guy and it kills him

I watched that million ways to die in the west and the guy can't act or direct

>Makes vanity project
>Cast Charlize Theron as love interest
>Proves he was bullied as a kid
>Cast himself as hero
>Movie spectacular bombs
>Critics hate it
>Normies think it's shit
>Never tries to make a feature film again

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thats literally his thing, brian is his literal personality

He shouldn't have missed that plane...

He unironically insists upon himself

Patrice never missed.

have you seen this yet, OP?


As usual his stupid incel joke makes zero fucking sense... seth bagged more top-quality pussy on an awards night than patrice would have gotten in 10 million years. one of the most notorious pussy hounds in hollywood. if you want to hear a joke that hits the mark:

>seth bagged more top-quality pussy on an awards night
literally who

Hi Seth. Stop lying about shagging your beards.

Fuck me, Amy Schumer destroying Patrice O’Neal. Whodathunkit.

Not me, she must of hired a male writer to put that bit together

Seth is a really nice guy. I met him in Maryland randomly and we shared drinks even though I was only 12. I passed out and he took me to his hotel and when I woke up I was naked and covered in blood. I must have hit my head. He left me 20 bucks and a fun dip. I needed an ostomy bag after that night

Ted 2 came out a year after this moron.

I guess maybe we should just watch Big Mouth and Bobs Burgers instead right ????