Main villain since season 2 is a gay black guy

>main villain since season 2 is a gay black guy
>switch to le nazis halfway through fifth and final season to prove wokeness out of nowhere
What a sorry way to end it all

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Imagine having identity politics take up this much of your life. sad af.

they couldve easily just made them bikers. There is actually no reason for them to be neo nazis other than obvious bad guy with obvious nefarious motives.

Todd was generally well written tho

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you do realize that prison gang nazies are not real nazies right? or are you even more underage than i think

> First four seasons Walt and Jesse suffer in proportional consequence to his actions

> Fifth season is filled with karmic justice moralfsggotry and turns Jesse into a victimized cuck

neo nazis as villains could've been kino but they come out of nowhere towards the end of the fucking show, should've at least introduced them in the first episode of season 5

how would walt kill the 11 guys in prison then?

>sad af.
Kill yourself zoomer

The thing is these tattoos are common in prison and in the show they don't really get much attention or acknowledgment since its obviously just edgy prison gang bs. Now years later people refer to these guys as "the Nazi's" and its pretty fucken cringe

He was the only dude in the show that wanted to walk away the moment he had the money to do so. No ego. No gay boyfriend. No drug empire. Just the money.

Didnt they kidnap jesse and make him cook more meth?

Yeah, Jack doesn’t even say thing disparaging towards minorities once. Aside from loyalty to his crew I doubt he has any convictions, Nazi or otherwise.

Uncle Jack was based and given the best scene in the show.

Yes. They killed his latina gf too.

Because Todd was thinking with his dick. Which was Mike's fault for not going with his first instinct to kill Lydia. So the ultimate message of the show is to never trust a woman because it always leads to fucking up some reasonable nazi schemes.

Lets just be honest about how this season was written. It got the Game Of Thrones treatment. Its gone woke with several character and plot decisions. And it is written very sloppy. Go back and rewatch a scene with Saul Goodman. Its so much better and he was just a more "slick" lawyer than the current iteration.

Leading up to the last season the show was a solid A-, but this is really phoning it in. Maybe C quality work overall

This was before that time. The nazis were introduced because they didn't know how to progress the story naturally and so they started eliminating plotlines and characters using the laziest of writer DEMs - a chaos factor character/group whose actions need no storyline backing or justification or explanation. Just gotta say "lol nazis be crazy"

Jesus Christ Any Forumsbrain rot is annoying as fuck. Go back to your containment board.

I still don’t even mentally register these guys as nazis. They’re just generic biker gangster types. Sad how they could do it for the cartel, but these guys felt watered down.


kys nitpicking faggots

It makes sense because white prison gangs like aryan brotherhood who use lots of nazi imagery are heavily involved in meth trafficking