This dude is a hack

This dude is a hack

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Other urls found in this thread:

post the cheese sandwich

post the salting of Fritos

Raw onion is better on burgers and wtf does he have the oil for??

And so it is written

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I like onions, but a thick giant slice of onion, really?

Okay, user. I'll humor you. Where's you're Michelin star resturant and what are some of the menu items?

Now i'm watching this video
to see what he uses the oil for, but he says he made the burger patties the day before and left them in the fridge
should you really leave raw egg out its shell in the fridge like that? i dunno man

it's his youtube channel that is hacky. it's lazy, rushed, and completely for a cash grab. he's not a bad chef or a hack, but it really is some of the worst shit he's put out.

oh he basically puts oil on everything that goes on the grill lol

I mean western cuisine is all basic af.
What dishes from western cuisine require the highest amount of technical mastery? Maybe Texas bbq, southern fried chicken, and desserts/chocolate?

I used to get Hello Fresh boxes of recipes sometime a while back.

And if I actually followed their recipes, they would tell me to add salt at every fucking step and the entire meal ended up tasting like a mouthful of sea water. Shit was burning your tongue.


get his ass

Thanks for link. Yeah it’s weird to oil things when ur grilling, makes me think he only ever uses a flattop

i'd throw in a lot of cajun food along with those. western chocolate is dogshit though so definitely not that

to be fair to gordon i actually have a salt grinder like that and it may look like a lot of salt but it's not. it takes a lot of cranks to get a good amount out so i'm gonna give it to him on the salt.

yeah watching the whole video i think hes talking out of his ass half the time but the seasoning doesnt seem THAT out of control

>Where's you're Michelin star resturant
In my basement.
>what are some of the menu items?
Pusy, bussy, butte, feminine penis

I'm drunk and tomorrow is my day off. Suck my dick.


its funny theres multiple times in the video where he seems genuinely amazed with how photogenic the burgers come out lol

one guy on here once tried to argue that the worst thing he made wasn't the grilled cheese, burger, or frito chili but this and I'm not sure why:

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Why did he mention Kim & Kanye were 3 doors down?

There's also multiple times when there is a completely different number of items on the grille than there was before yet he pretends as if it's all one continuous shot. Feels a little odd ngl.

I love Gordon but that grilled cheese was fucking abysmal. Honestly, he should be embarrassed. The fact that he couldn't be assed to make it again properly is really telling.

He's a fantastic chef though regardless.

we'll be 100% real and admit that the burger patties are guilty of being way too fucking big. man made the classic mistake of not flattening his patties enough, and that caused them to firm up and become puck like toward the end. man just used way too much meat per patty for the size of the bun he used.

Olive oil is faggot shit, butter/lard/bacon grease is the way to go

yeah i dont think this is his worst but it looks like he obliterates the sausage and mushroom and then puts a bunch of cheese on it to hide it that doesnt melt

theres a bunch of norweigans in the comments saying that one strip of that brown cheese would be way too much for that omlette and he puts like 7 strips worth into it

yeah, i've never had that cheese but I read that it's sweet and almost caramel like. foreigners usually are turned off by it

>olive oil in
>that stops the pasta from sticking together

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