Why do people hate North American suburbs so much?

Why do people hate North American suburbs so much?
They seem pretty comfy

Attached: canada.png (1832x829, 2.64M)

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These 5 bedroom houses are probably still cheaper than an average apartment in Europe

Attached: edmonton.png (1833x825, 2.5M)

Canada even edmonton being cheap. Wishful thinking

They are nice that's why so many people live in them. The reason people who live in them don't like them is because they're so bland and repetitive it drives you a little insane living there. There's no "soul" to it I guess.

Also chinks and Californians put their money into investment groups that buy up all of the properties and fuck people over, the HOA is their way of enforcing this and keeping their properties valuable.

Attached: unknown-16.png (468x441, 287.92K)

old people sitting on starter homes for 50 years to increase the value. nothing fun to do close to your house. fast moving delivery drivers and drugged up teenagers using your street as a shortcut to skip intersections. no tall buildings to keep you cool in the summer, in the afternoon on hot days it feels like you're being cooked alive on top of a stove.

>Why do people hate North American suburbs so much?
They only hate USA suburbs

They are boring and dull and you need a car for everything

Nigga we have suburbs like that too. Very common style especially where i live in new jersey

he meant that canadian suburb looks as shit
>wide roads
>cookie cutter houses wall to wall
>car centric

and im not saying that america dont have amazing suburbs, there are like this one in portland.

Attached: portland.png (1849x801, 2.51M)

Zoomers hate them because "there's no stores near by so I need a car to consoooom". Instead of just chilling and playing with the kids in the neighborhood like every fucking generation before them did, these entitled retards think that because there's no shops near by that they can't have fun. These people are mental. Growing up in the suburbs was fun. Friends and I would go biking, played sports and did what kids and teenager always did, hangout with friends.

I meant that Any Forums is hypocrite and only shit about American's suburbs even though Canada and Australia has them too

>the worst road in firstie countries be like

having worn out asphalt in older suburbs its pretty normal everywhere in first world, its not that important thing to fix when speeds are slow.

Attached: portland 2.png (1848x808, 2.98M)

i am 32 and hated growing up in the suburbs because i was the kid who just happened to live on the outskirts of town, and on foot it could take upwards of a half-hour to reach my closest friend's house, and i had to walk through a shady drug-dealing area and cross two four-way intersections. and nothing was more embarrassing than getting dropped off by your mother while all the boys are sitting out on the porch. it was absolute hell, i wish i could evacuate all suburbs in the world and nuke them into ashes.

cool, i love this kind of 'burbs too

i generally love all kinds of 'burbs and would gladly exchange my apartment for a house if only they weren't so expensive here

Attached: screenshot-www.google.com-2022.08.14-14_39_09.jpg (1526x756, 1.01M)

I did all those things on top of going to stores or internet Cafe with friends

No matter how capable I am or how hard I work in this country, I will never ever be able to afford this. I suffer.

kys boomer

>Instead of just chilling and playing with the kids in the neighborhood like every fucking generation before them did, these entitled retards think that because there's no shops near by that they can't have fun.

it all depends what is currently hyped by the media. When in the 1960s American media promoted suburban life as the greatest thing in the world, with all these iconic shows presenting happy family life in a fenceless house next to 100 identical houses then people simply thought it must be good

when now lib media show it as something bad, zoomers blindly follow this narrative

i don't know who and why decides what the media will hype in this or that era

no worries nobody can afford house in portland either anymore

Only subhuman live in suburbs

edmonton is a troon disaster.

lmao, houses in Croatia are so damn cheap for beauty of your country so it's hardly believable, i personally know a Polish family who bought a house somewhere around Dubrovnik and it has a stunnigly beautiful view for the price of a small commieblock studio in Warsaw's outskirts

>and nothing was more embarrassing than getting dropped off by your mother
What the fuck is wrong with getting dropped of by your parents? Guarantee that none of your friends gave a shit and you were just being an insecure little bitch, unless you were in your 20s and then it was time for you be a grown up and get a car. I would've made fun of you too. And if your friends lived farther away then take the fucking bus, not that big of a deal.

Why you didn't cycle you your friend house?

Problem with Polish 'burbs is something like this:


nice houses but no infrastructure whatsoever because houses are built individually and the city only builds the roads and everything when the neighborhood is already well established and full, it's not uncommon to wait for a decade for a road/sidewalks to get built, before that you live like in a most remote village, this is my main concern about the suburbs here because I fucking hate walking on sand and have my shoes and legs/trousers dirty, also every car driving on the road creates a sandstorm so you're all dirty before you reach your house

Best "suburbs" are born naturally over the years and has mixed zoning, with detached houses and other type of low density homes from all decades, that look indeed pretty nice with lot of greenery. Over planned suburbs filled with manufactured houses by same company are always bit grim. Still ass poorfag i would live anywhere far as i own my home.