Who Are "They"?

Who are "they" that they're trying to silence you, that you cannot speak out about?

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You know who.

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it was a vague hook to attempt to appeal to the most possible viewers because everybody in america has an obsession with being persecuted, righties think lefties want their guns and to slaughter babies like cattle and lefties think righties want to enact facist law and have enslaved minorities building statues of trump. im something of an intelligent observer on this topic

But all of those are true? except the statues.

>righties want to enact facist law and have enslaved minorities building statues of trump
We do and it’s coming soon, commie.

When are they going to do the super hero sex festival arc?

>and have enslaved minorities building statues of trump

I don't want them enslaved, that's how we got in this mess in the first place

>righties think lefties want their guns and to slaughter babies like cattle
But that's true, moron. Some shit gun control bill just passed the House.

there's no midnight release on prime? wtf pirate bros won again

All of this is true.

Will he drain the swamp?

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You are all being manipulated by billionaires to fight each other.

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>spend an entire season building a deep redemption arc
>now he’s le racist against homelander who needs to frickin die!!!
Also what the fuck does “overpatrolling black neighborhoods” even mean kek
This show makes fun of BLM shit (that commercial lol) then says shit like that in a serious tone the next scene

>Also what the fuck does “overpatrolling black neighborhoods” even mean
Increased scrutiny on black and brown bodies means that police arrest more of them. So you have police spending all their time in those neighborhoods arresting people for small quantities of drugs and jaywalking instead of stopping school shootings

>you're a failed product because you're not an obedient little goy
What did (((stein edgar))) mean by this?

Police naturally "overpatrol" areas that have the most crime rates. It's racist to assume that those areas are black or brown neighbourhood

Liberal white women

can't imagine where they got this from

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>black and brown bodies
Kek why do liberals talk like this

>if you criticise the rich and powerful, the 1%, the upper class elites you're a fascist nazi
Commiebros... Why is hollywood portraying our ideology like this?

they're laughing in your face. stop watching this shit.


>righties think lefties want their guns and to slaughter babies like cattle
they literally do, that’s not even their hidden agenda, thats what they explicitly believe in
>lefties think righties want to enact facist law and have enslaved minorities building statues of trump
most “extreme” alt right types like fuentes are content in just deporting illegals, and consider blacks and other minorities as part of being american, since they’ve been there longer than some whites anyways. Literally nobody on the right wants to seriously kill POCs en masse, save from a few psychos, but that’s a given in a country of hundreds of millions. The right winger facist boogeyman that wants to enslave minorities was created as propaganda to scare the (largely low IQ) populace to get them on their “team” and having the power to do things that were originally against the beliefs of certain populations of voters, but now they just have to conform and accept since they are stuck with that team. And the fucking idiots eat it all up

your commentary is extremely telling.


Tfw you have no rebuttal

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You're just re affirming his narrative. I thought you're gonna destroy that chud. You made me read all of that and wasted my time. You're just another chud