Does anyone still rewatch this despite the shitty last season?

Does anyone still rewatch this despite the shitty last season?

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Rewatching any of this show, even the kino shit, is like fucking a girl that you know will commit suicide a few weeks after

It's way too soon yet, the wound too fresh. One day years from now I'll watch the first few seasons and enjoy them and then get depressed cause Winds still wont be out.

No. It’s the fastest a big show was forgotten. It was the biggest thing for decade outside of Marvel and people just stopped talking about three days after it ended. It’s insane, like it never happened.

Fuck no.

Kind of happened to Lost too. Maybe not as severe.

This means the show wasn't that good.

I still rewatch some cool scenes on YouTube but I'll probably never watch the show again.

in 10 years people are gonna say that the last season was good, just like the prequels.

boomers love justifying pop culture trash.

I can't do it. Even though seasons 1-3 are good, they're overshadowed by the awful ending, knowing that none of the story threads have a satisfying conclusion

Like eating a sub sandwich knowing there's a little bit of shit at the end.

No rubber required then

the first four seasons are still excellent television
everything from s05e01 onwards is garbage

I've been saying the last season was good since it aired. Everyone else was filtered. You'll come around eventually.

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The basic outline is OK. It's just the execution.

It was pure nihilism.

Something about it hasn't aged well. Maybe it is just knowing the last seasons are terrible, but I've attempted to restart this from the beginning and I can never make it through more than a few episodes.

s1-4 and then the battle of hardhome. rinse, repeat

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It was a hype train. The appeal of the show was what was going to happen next. Once you realized it’s all for nothing you lose interest. The fantasy element is bland and the political elements are t very deep. Dialogues not very good either.

People will watch this again once house of dragon is out.

I haven't yet but I probably will this year.
The ending wasn't terrible, I was alright with most of it, it was just terribly rushed. I loved how triggering it was to yaskweenz and jaimestans.

I did
Last two seasons sting a bit less knowing how shitty they are beforehand

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This, I had no problem with any of the characters' fates, the biggest disappointment was the fact that none of the magic or supernatural elements of the show had any meaning at the end..

Watch until half of season 5 (they run out of source material after 5x5) and descend into shitty fan fiction.

LoL fuck no!

Why do you autists think people need to be constantly talking about old media for it to have ever been good in the first place? Especially with basic bitch shit like Game of Thrones?