Are these worth a watch?

Are these worth a watch?

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Depends on the cost

Why not just buy the entire Terminator collection on blu ray? its cheaper....

the first third of genisys is surprisingly decent
absolute shit after though

Emilia is really hot in Genisys (it’s her peak)
Arnold is based in it
Plus it’s kind of cool to see them go back in time to the events of the original movie in a BTTF 2 kind of way
I havent scene dark fate


Attached: im the terminator bitch.webm (720x390, 2.78M)

I watched these both in sequence.

They were aggressively 'okay'.

The problem is that T2 is so awesome in terms of story and characterisation that is moggs anything else afterwards.

I have to say though, that the best after T2 is Terminator Salvation (2009). That movie is fucking awesome.

Attached: Moon-Bloodgood-Terminator-Salvation-Jacket.jpg (800x1000, 64.13K)

They're better than t3, but that's not saying much.

Darkfate is terrible.

Put me in charge of this series. It's beyond belief how badly they fucked this up.

T1000 fucking ruined Terminator. Now every Nu antagonist is just upgraded version of him. Lame

Terminator Genisys is genuinely fun up until they build a time machine in the sewer and then it starts declining steeply and finally goes over a cliff when John is revealed to be a terminator. . The altered timeline shit is fun but I wish the concept of it had been used in Salvation instead of Genisys. Taken over all it's worth watching but go in with rock bottom expectations and expect the movie to shit the bed heavily and get more and more terrible as it fails to utilize the concept.

Dark Fate is just complete shit. CG John Conner getting murdered in Mexico, or where ever, by a T-800 is the only interesting scene. Other than that it's completely forgettable (but it holds together better from start to finish than Genisys does and doesn't just collapse in on itself--so there's that I guess).

T3 is actually watchable, whereas T5 and 6 are hot garbage.

Peaked. It's not the T1000's fault that these retards can't be more creative.

Genisys yes, it's as good as T2.
Dark fate fuck no

I agree with this take. T3 is just an unpretentious cash-in sequel with a couple of cool action sequences; so it's a pale imitation of what came before but at least it's successful and knows its role. T5 and T6 are both terrible in comparison and were complete failures. T4 is still bad but at least it tried to do something new and didn't just retcon shit.

Genisys gave us delicious Emilia pits so I can't be mad at it

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I remember really liking that when it came out. I'm scared to go back because everybody seems to hate it. It seems like Salvation failing creatively crippled the Terminator franchise though because every story now has to be "protect the chosen one in the past" instead of trying something new.

Absolutely not. Plot just a bad mishmash of T1 and T2. Arnie was old. Clarke was terrible.
>Dark Fate
Haven't seen it, but I imagine it probably sucks

honestly i would enjoy genisys if not for emilia and jai

no, Only the first 2 and Salvation are good.