Oh no

oh no

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I read there are only 3 deaths the whole movie. If that's true then this really would be the worst dinosaur movie ever made.

kill all journalists

>hey i want to watch dinosau-

Other then some randoms being eaten when the dinosaurs are released in the streets of whatever European country they go to, basically yeah. The “evil mastermind” dies at the end. And like some poachers. But yeah, no one dies

Or maybe your just retarded?

*holds a knife to your throat*
Choose your next words carefully

We knew they were going to dislike. They hate the Joker and the main villain from the movie is heavily inspired in him

I thought it was better than 2.
Definitely not enough deaths and the fact that the woman was so narcissistic that she literally gave birth to herself instead of just using a sperm donor was baffling.

Journalists are not human, they're a race of reptilians bred to hate fun and have shitty opinions.

But this is the one where they added a black lady right

It's going to make a billion dollars.

I just watched it, and didn't hate it but I understand the critic response. It feels flaccid. Once it ends you'll wonder what the movie was really even about, and the stakes aren't very compelling at all. I know this is a movie my opinion will only sink on, the more I see people raising valid criticisms.

That said I wanted to bang BDH, DeWanda Wise, Daniella Pineda (for the 3 minutes she was in the movie) and possibly Dern.

>Critics will automatically like something if it has a black woman
>They don't review movies fairly, they only use articles to push an evil woke agenda
Enjoying the asylum?

BDH put on some weight, especially her face, but it suits her so well. Thicc soccer mom vibes the whole movie

You guys are pathetic. Completely fucking pathetic. Right now I'm literally screaming and slamming down on my desk just thinking about it. Just fuck off you fucking entitled incels, the franchise is amazing and the movie will be great. Jurassic World owes you shit, I almost kicked my mom in the face because of how mad you make me.


Right back at you.

theyre going overboard on the hate for the movie. also what was the deal with that coward black guy from the last one acting like he's some veteran jason bourne tough guy out of nowhere

But the guy said they didn't like it because they didn't like the joker

didnt they just make a jurassic park movie

to be fair, that used to be the case. if something had black people in it, critics had to say it was good. but now they just say the movie was bad but that the black people in it were amazing and deserved better. a pretty clever workaround, imo

Me coworker and I were talking this week and he said something like "Yeah even though only the first Jurassic Park is the only good one and these new ones have been so bad, I just have to see the new Jurassic World."

Attached: benjie.png (630x630, 517.74K)

>Bread and Circuses

I just miss when these movies were about people trapped in an island full of dinosaurs instead of trying to save the world from an evil scientist

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*teleports behind you*

>giant locusts are going to eat the world's crops
>stakes aren't compelling

Attached: drooler.png (69x56, 7.55K)

>critic score is 30%
>audience score is 89%

What did Chris Pratt say about the jews in this one, huh?

I liked the sassy black woman having to rescue the bumbling whites.