What are some other good underrated/lesser known/ not talked about much sci fi movies?

what are some other good underrated/lesser known/ not talked about much sci fi movies?

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Spontaneous Combustion

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I watched it today for the first time since I was kid, and appreciated it even more than I did back then, more so since i actually understand some of the little references and stuff i never appreciated as a kid like their call signs being "Livy" and "Cicero" and the don giovani playing and the Shakespeare stuff. great flick. definitely made me crave more little movies like it

anyone seen this one? is it any good?

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Yes, it's decent. Also set in the Alien universe, but no monsters

>I came into the world with my legs forward

>ynw give the murderous robot such good D that she turns into your waifu and sacrifices her life to protect you

hell comes to frogtown is atleast as good as they live

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is pretty cool. incredible costumes

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god damn that sounds ridiculous

check out the comic book adaptation by Steranko


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Does anyone remember that sci fi movie where in the end its a man and a woman in a desert, and she's revealed to be a robot or something and it plays that beeeeeeee buuuuuuuuuu music?

albert pyun's cyberpunk heroic bloodshed noir masterpiece: NEMESIS

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This is a good flick. I also enjoyed The Green Slime. While both are dated due to their filming time period both have have modern storylines.

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I rewatched Screamers a few years ago. Worse than I remembered. 4/10

great trailer

thats funny

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