
Is she supposed to be hot or something? She's better looking than Naomi the Nigger but I mean couldn't they have cast a more attractive action girl?

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Martians aren't famed for their beauty

Unironically, casting attractive people in shows is what ruined TV

the men on the show are more attractive than the women

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that doesn't change the nature of my post


You know if Naomi and Holden didn't exist I probably wouldn't have liked Bobby. So good job Naomi and Holden.

thanks homo.
cute. she got a nice ending too. hopefully she got some big earth cock.

She fits the "super soldier" build. Tall and athletic

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>couldn't they have cast a more attractive action girl

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>implying you don't want a bobby mummy

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finally, best girl

tv was better before we had to stare at fugly brown mutt women all day

this is a pro-Bobbie board

also true

I want to suck on bobbies boobies!

I have never seen so many ugly fuckers in one tv series

at least the show is good right?
Why did they cancel the series?

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I check out last season because was just sheboom and her rabid nigglet drama and nothing ever happens

i really liked her casting for this. her thicker, stockier frame made her actually seem like she grew up on a different planet under weird military breeding regulations.

they didn't. in the books the narrative jumps ahead 30 years, so they just stopped there instead.

There are no attractive women in the show

At least when it was Avasarala doing space politics and intrigue it was interesting, later it was just Naomi and her muh belt bullshit and alien space magic

No she’s supposed to be a big ugly ogre of a woman

Naiomi is supposed to be tall and lanky and is half Asian

According to the books

But she is a lesbian

>half asian
but she straight up looks like a sheboon with a horrific bonger accent

She’s weirdly attractive sometimes. Would sex for sure, but no way for Naomi.

That’s the shows casting

After that one prisoner they completely gave up on belters being lanklets.

It slumped in s3-s4 but I thought it pick back up again

How? Nobody wants to look at ugly people all the time.

kinda hard to find 6ft+ skinny people