He literally did NOTHING wrong

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He compromised into a man's bootyhole

he was an insecure bitch

low test

He did fag shit in prison

If he was a rich mafia boss why was he pissing his day away getting his shitty Lincoln fixed? Why wouldn’t he just trade it in and get a brand new one? Those old early 00s Lincolns were like $40,000 new. Big fucking deal. Seems like it would be embarrassing to drive a nearly totaled fixed one. Scenes like that made them seem like deadbeat pikers who weren’t bosses of shit

In addition, even wasting time at the body shop and shit would seem beneath a boss. Like even Chris realized he shouldn’t be in shitty pizza shops. You have an image to uphold — unless these guidos were really just complete losers and just legends in their own minds

Phil was an excellent final villain and his speech about his family taking shit as soon as they got off the boat and that he wasn't gonna take it anymore is the best villain speech in sopranos and possibly all of tv

Sure we break some balls here tonight, but I go way back. It light of recent events it's an honor to be joined by men... and not some faggot ass cornholing cocksuckers like married my cousin. HE SHOULD FUCKIN DIE!

speedwatching faggot

isn't it clear that he was doing that to fuck with the jersey crew? also I don't think he was even a captain at that point

You think even a young Chris would have wasted his time getting a crashed up car fixed? Arguing with a body shop? It’s low behavior. It’s sad and embarrassing. It makes you look broke. He’s right, cars never feel or drive right after a crash — rich people just dump them and get a new one

All the real Mafia bosses who lasted in NYC were stingy old men. Phil's downfall was his pride and need to put personal vendetta before business. I think Butchie would be a much better boss than Tony or Phil. Carmine Sr. is the smartest one on the show, though.

Phil is a very different type of guy at a very different point in his life. It seems pretty believable that he'd do that shit just to be a bigger headache for the jersey crew

Phil seemed retry obsessed with his appearance and optics. It’s strange he’d be pissing his day away at a body shop and bitching, forcing him to waste more to and fro the body shop. Anyone of moderate means would dump the crashed Lincoln for a new model. Old people know that shit will never look or drive right. It’s embarrassing to be seen at a body shop bitching about some car as a rich capo. Unless the writer was trying to show these guidos were really just piker losers, legends in their own minds

He went back on his promise to Tony in the hospital after his heart attack.

He always downplayed the dimeo/soprano family and was way to self conscious about granting them concessions.

nah he was an alpha. you want insecure beta bitch, look at walter white and his dumb fucking fedora.

lost all respect for him when he cried like a women at the hospital

he was short, and short people are always evil

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Villain? no such thing in basedpranos, he wasn't even an antagonist since tony was the protagonist and antagonist last 2 seasons

He was trying to piss off the Jersey family

nope, both he and tony are the protagonists. they're both stuck in schemes run by people below and around them, victims of hidden agents. want proof? final scene where butch talks to phil, he brings a hitman with him, and phil's reaction to butch on the phone is akin to someone waking up from a dream.

He did 20 years in the can