What tv does a movie star watch, Any Forums?

what tv does a movie star watch, Any Forums?

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That seems like something a mentally sane person would wear

hes the left's randy quaid lmao

Why are Americans so obsessed with wearing cringe T shirts, especially in public? Same thing with their bumper stickers. Why do they think people care about their stupid opinions?

>Democrats light shit on fire for weeks after 2016 election
>Urban youth burn entire cities to the ground for a whole summer
>Some people walk into a building at the capitol

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Remember when there was a congressional investigation into trump stealing the election?

Somehow I doubt he will consider suspecting the FB_ tho

top kek this spic just replied in the thread. they must be on break from selling mangos

Trump won

>BLM protesters are allowed to destroy cities
>no vandalism laws broken
>a bunch of truckers just parked on the street
>people arrested
What the fuck is actually wrong with liberals? They’re like whiney children

Sorry user that has already been memory-holed. We need to talk about how dangerous it is to question the legitimacy of the 2020 election after third parties were held back by police from overseeing the vote counting.

Attached: Election Fraud (1).webm (592x1280, 1.32M)

>a bunch of truckers just parked on the street
>their banks accounts are frozen for being "terrorists"

he's a senile 60's liberal flower child, nothing surprising here, leave him be

Remember when they said Trump fans killed four cops that day? Then it was two? Then one? Then zero?


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Am I supposed to feel comfortable with political kangaroo court show trials being treated as mainstream entertainment?

Back to your containment board larping shitskins.

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>senile 60's liberal flower child

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But not the FBI lol. They are the good guys


Mark Hamill stop, you used to be so well liked until you started broadcasting your cringey politics

Remember when Trump was called a racist for restricting travel from China in January 2020?

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At least he wasn't in the prequels. The prequels fuckin sucked.


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He looks like my dad what the fuck

this is Any Forums you silly tranny

rent free

Imagine simping for Any Forums

How does anybody trust these liars?

Imagine what a manlet you must be to be able to sit like that in a chair lmao

Attached: yes, we can meme.jpg (314x500, 38.49K)

Here comes the pol defense force lmao

I don't use Any Forums

Pointing out how shit things are isn’t being triggered

>Here comes the pol defense force lmao

Attached: Haha.jpg (601x508, 93.75K)

They're shit for you because you still live with your parents. Move out.

imagine whining about Any Forums apropos of nothing in a completely unrelated thread on a completely different board

At a webcam meeting today I noticed one guy was wearing a shirt with Zelinsky on it that said "I don't need ammunition". Pretty cringe desu.

you will never be a woman

lol is this real

>obnoxious juvenile t-shirt
>long socks, potentially programmer socks
>sweat pants
man could've just said "hello fellow kids" instead of doing all this

>lol is this real

Attached: IS THIS REAL bts.webm (1280x720, 783.05K)

That’s quite an assumption of me you pathetic unhappy sewer rat